Need a little help folks

Ok here goes, new the industry and can’t for the life of me figure out how to loosen the tension on the belts so I can get them back on. I took the pulley off at the pump and now I’m trying to reassemble and of course the tension is too tight for me to slip the pulley over the bushing… thank you in advance for the help. It’s been a long day, this unit is only a year old and has not been getting used and as a result was locked up this morning. I’ve managed to work through that issue only to arrive at this one.

PS, I tried searching topics for this never found anything specific for it.

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I got it, sorry I posted in the wrong section as well.

How did you end up doing it. This may help others find what they need when the search.


Make a detailed post of how you did it. I’m sure future readers would love that.


It took awhile but I finally realized that I needed to loosen the four bolts that hold the motor to the frame, once having done that I was able to loosen what appeared to be a tension bolt of sort which allowed me to slide the engine toward the pump slightly giving me the ability to slide the pump pulley on. Once that was complete I tightened the tension bolt until the belts were good and snug, then retightened the four bolts holding the motor down.

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