Nasty deck advice

Sorry no pic, but I have a wood deck coming up that has so much organic growth it looks like someone took a blowtorch to it. Blackened and cracked basically.

I will do the usual SH and medium pressure but thought I’d check in with the wood pros first.

I like this chem… you can get it on Amazon.

I wonder if Southside carries something like that.

well now youre going to HAVE to post before and after pics because i love seeing dirty stuff.

I believe Russ does….

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I’ll try to get a B&A. Just imagine some wood got too close to a rocket launch.

As promised. Turns out the dead organic buildup came off with medium pressure.

We searched everywhere here in Louisville for metasilicate, one PW supply told my wife they “don’t sell to the general public” and only use it to make their chems. Russ has some but the project was done before I needed it.

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