My new website how’s it look

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Lot of random use of capitlization

Well, whoever wrote your copy is ripping you off…'s+curb+appeal,+or+discerning+homeowner+looking+for+an&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari&safe=active

Lol, I bet I know who helped him.

Did you make the site or did you hire a company?

I made it

Oh shoot I copie to change gotta fix it

Just wanted a general idea

Who made it for you? Definitely ripped you off with the copyright

I meant to remove it I added for a month and thought I had finished and removed it so guess I got some changing to do this never ends but I’m new to this so go figure

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I think you should reword TARGET MARKET.

I I still got some editing to do I gotta fix my seo and meta tag so another up all nighter

SEO and website is slow and steady. Took me all winter last year and went front page 5 to page 1 …#1 Don’t pull to many all nighters lol

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Did you just keep adjusting keywords @Patriotspwashing

It’s all about the correct meta tags and content. Backlinks and outbound links. Content is huge!

Also watch hours of YouTube videos on how to use google webmaster. Using google webmaster can speed up google ranking your site by months.

Posting daily on google plus and your google my business page with backlinks to your site also does wonders. Google loves sites that are active on google plus and my business.

In most areas of the country our industry is weak when it comes to google rankings. If your not ranking in the top two spots then your doing something obviously wrong.

I’m no SEO expert at all… but if your not in a large city you should be able to rank #1 after spending 4 hours a day for 4 months learning and doing it lol. Or hire someone


I’m in west Palm beach

I don’t know what a meta tag is but putting someone else’s words on your website is called theft

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I don’t really like it for some reason. I dunno. The fonts aren’t working for me. I feel like you should have more than 5 before and after pictures. The environmentally friendly thing is a crock. Who would want weekly recurring pressure washing for their family? You request a quote by emailing some gmail account. No license number to be found. The “about us” page looks like you typed up some random jargon in Microsoft Word. I feel like I’m beating you up and I don’t mean to, but it still needs a lot of work.

I built my own and made it to the 1st page in my markets and I didn’t know squat about seo before I started. I’m not in a major metro market either. That can make it a lot harder.

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I have no time and more importantly no knowledge about this stuff so I couldn’t tell you the difference between a good site and a bad one. But I can say if your in a competitive market . Your probably waisting your time if you think you can build a profitable website competing against people that manage sites for a living. Endless of course you have a background in it.
I actually hired mr pipeline today to build me one.