Why would you need a ladder? Xjets have an adjustable nozzle I don’t understand how there would be too much force?
Something like a 0030 , 2540 and a 4040 setup?
The XJet nozzle isn’t necessary when you can use a 2540 tip to rinse the entire side with even and consistent pressure.
Never said a ladder was necessary, but if you look in the pictures to begin this post, there’s an extension ladder laying against the side of the house.
@anon37135677 pretty sure the user asked for some guidance not a bunch of bickering tho. The reason people come here, is to become educated on things they haven’t seen before. Let’s guide them in the right direction and not put them down as they come along…
That doesn’t make any sense. An x-jet is perfect in situations where you need a stronger mixture that you can’t achieve when downstreaming. It’s not high pressure.
@Brock Listen, buddy, I applaud you for having the gumption to try starting your own business and it looks like you’re trying to go about it the right way. Well, at least what you think is the right way. You don’t know what you don’t know and I won’t hold that against you. But, like @anon37135677 said, you have A TON of research to do. In the few pictures you posted I could spot at least a half dozen things that are not kosher. I understand that you said the “customer” needed you there in an hour but, to be perfectly honest, that’s ridiculous as, @marinegrunt told you, NEVER let someone run your business for you. You need to decide whether you want to be a businessman or you want to be an on call $99 guy. If you choose the latter then you won’t be around long.
Do your research here and stop taking on jobs that you are ill prepared for. It doesn’t just hurt your image when you mess something up–it hurts every contractor in the industry. You had no business washing that house with the condition of those electrical boxes. None. You need to read the thread “House Fire From softwash”. The man that had that happen to him was a fulltime safety officer at the time and he knew how to react. You’re a young kid and I can almost guarantee that you would panic and make a foolish decision that may cost you your life or someone their home.
Wash your parent’s house. Wash your buddy’s house. Take on some concrete jobs. Do little things until you get some knowledge and experience under your belt before you make a grave mistake that costs you your company or your life.
Also, you need to learn proper steps to wash ANY house. You don’t just “spray around” electrical boxes. They need to be taped and/or bagged off. So does every exterior outlet, light, camera, etc.
To each their own.
Some people don’t mind carrying chemicals across an entire property some do…
Personally I’d rather keep mine stored inside the bed of the truck and pull as necessary.
It’s my job as the gatekeeper to keep misinformation from spreading about on this forum.
How do you make stuff bold? I’m so dumb at compooters
What? Was that a response to me saying what you told him didn’t make sense?
Let me break it down for you. An x jet with no proportioner pulls more SH than a downstream injector pulls. If you need a stronger mixture than a downstream injector can put out, an x jet is a great option. Especially if one doesn’t have a 12v or comparable setup. Look at this guys washer I seriously doubt he has a 12v kit hid away on the back of his truck.
Heck, some days I don’t even know what I knew!
LOL this made me snort
This makes no sense
Thats what I was trying to say. I don’t know how to quote people.
You’re from a town that can’t keep a good bbq joint in business and the nastiest joint, Parker’s, stays open. You don’t deserve to be able to quote.
Hold down on a word then move the selection across the words you want to quote, then click Quote
@Innocentbystander I’m sorry the 2540 stands for the degree of the tip and the size of the machine it should be used for
25 degrees @ 4.0 size
It’s a high pressure fan soaping tip, personally I use it for a lot of things including treating asphalt shingles thru the 12v.
This makes no sense. High pressure and soaping tip are different altogether.
Lol, I know what the tips size means. My point was, your statement doesn’t make sense at best, or it’s bad advice at worst. No worries, stick around, you’ll learn a lot and improve on how you do business.
Damn. I’m dumb. Thanks buddy!
Are you implying the “4.0” means it should be used with a 4 gpm machine?