I’ve been eye balling these trucks for months. After seeing the truck setup from Cajun Soft Wash I immediately thought of these Redbull trucks with the roll up sides.
They are expensive to work on! Trust me lol
Go with flatbed. After next year I’ll probably rip off the box and put on a flatbed. I just paid a few thousand for a wrap though so I have to keep it one season lol
Link to Cajun softwash?
going to look at one tomorrow! Hoping its nicer than inclosed as i had my eye out for a 14’ box but no luck
He use to do YouTube videos.
He still does as of a month ago
I haven’t seen any new ones in a while. I always thought his content was good!
I like the idea of rollerdoors all round, rolled up u have a flatbed, rolled down u got a box truck.
Still get access all the way around but also can close up for security/weather protection and a space for advertising.
Going even further into dreamland if the whole body was lift off including floor you could have wind down legs to lift body up enough to drive out and have a empty tray for other projects etc when not washing.
I’m going to build one someday.