Mud on siding

I have washed several houses were there is mud/dirt that has splashed up on the siding due to lack of grass. My house wash mix doesn’t seem to touch it but a wet rag will take most of it off.

Looks red color. If it’s clay then try an acid like f9 barc or Efflo. One restore too. Regular brown or dark brown soil would rinse off. But clay? That needs something to break it down to remove easier. See if it rinses off without brushing after applying.

It’s just dirt and if a wet rag takes it off, just brush it before you rinse. This is why I carry a couple soft brushes, just apply your HW, then walk along brushing the dirt, then rinse. Only adds about 30 seconds to the job. No reason to use expensive chemicals on dirt that splashed up. The only chems I see this home owner needs is some week killer, geez!

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Is that house on a slope? The siding cut makes it seem like it slopes downhill.

What’s your question?

Yes I also agree that a wet rag will take that off on occasion. I also know that sometimes it won’t.

Obviously some of the boys on here haven’t seen good old GA or Carolina red clay. It laughs at rag wipe downs and brushes. May get a top layer off doing that.