Minimum Charge

$150 minimum, but to make myself feel better I say that covers up to the first 500sqft. So I’ll do a little extra work so they don’t feel ripped off.

$15 minimum?? That wouldn’t even cover the gas for me to get there…

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@BuzzLightyear is being modest. I have subbed some jobs to him for $11.99 and he always takes them.


Come on man. I appreciate the $ but We don’t talk about sexual favours online.

Yikes. $75 is too low. We don’t even hook up the trailer for less than $300. Too many $300+ jobs out there and I’d rather stay in the shop and tinker for less than that.

The only exception is a couple HOAs and we do north sides at $129, but we usually do 2-4 on any given day.

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$119.00 Is my minimum… Works well and it cuts out the cheap people trying to pay $50 lol

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I’ve found that to be one of the best reasons to have a minimum charge! Cuts out some of the penny pinchers

I use different minimums depending on how busy I am. December when summer has arrived and everyone want pre Christmas window cleaning… there are more enquiries than I could ever handle and minim charge has been known to hit $400.

It’s not that I’m chargijg someone $400 for a couple panes. It’s just an easy way to turn down jobs. When I’m busy it’s easier to schedule one large job than a few smaller ones

Yes, but invariably when I jack up the price to avoid getting a job they hire me… At least I’m getting paid well while I am mumbling under my breath.

I’m sitting here eating my dolphin sandwich when I realize the YOU and I agree on just about every thing, well except summer arriving at Christmas and eating dolphin and doing windows. But everything else is spot on…


I feel a virtual group hug goin’ on here, fellas! Now if we could just get IBS and Tireshark in on this…

No hugs here that would be weird. I don’t have a minimum really… I do have a minimum or rather a low PITA threshold…

That breads awsome

Hmmm. I think first he might need to apologize for telling the forum members they should try to get me banned.

But he says he never apologizes.


At the time you needed to be banned. Half the people here, myself included, need to be banned from time to time. Now you made me break my promise not to reply to you lol. I won’t hug you but you need to get back in the game here and start dispensing washing advice again


Au contraire moan fraire. Here, watch this… what was the reason that i should have been banned for?

Dont say because i supported AW1 making nasty comments, because i can link 3 or 4 times where I said that he should be banned for the stuff he was saying.

So if you and i were both on the same page about that, then what was the reason that I needed to be banned?

Sharpe, you knucklehead. You cant say let it go while you keep tossing little cherry bombs here and there about it, lol. I hope you have several packs of gum sitting by your monitor, in case i trigger you… you dingus. :grin:

Your tenacity is admirable lol. I think i said you should go for enabling the troll guy but I’m honestly not sure how I worded it. Either way I’m sure we were both being hard headed. I’ve said before i don’t care of you like me or not. I just want you to be be helpful to others, and you are doing so . I’m content with that. If I spent my time waiting on apologies for real or percieved grievances I’d have a lot of wasted time on my hands. Carry on. Work hard, be smart and when you get thru you’ll be done.

I guess that’s about as close to a virtual hug as it gets. GEEZ, TS, you certainly can be prickly!

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If we can’t make jokes with ourselfs and each other about stupid crap we do than what’s the point in getting up in the morning. Btw im off gum and seem to have found my center. 68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f3135333539362f323339313931302f36346362343761322d613937302d313165332d396362302d3762326437346133343535642e6a7067:blush:


I’m not good with fancy memes but here ous a way to hang your orings on the gear shift of your trucks. They are called mechanics key rings, or something linelike that that