Making Transition From Pressure Wash Employee To Owner Operator

other side of the country from you. Seems your area is a saturated with pw’ers and notorious for the 79.99 any house deal.

If interested send me a pm, was a great man running a business out of SC who switched gears. I could reach out to him to see if he is still looking to sell his items.

I appreciate it… is there any way to delete threads, posting a thread was a bad experience. Also like to note there are probably less legal issues here… Also these houses have to be washed every year and sometimes twice a year, forced by the HOA… houses get dirty really fast here with mold and algae that comes right off with 12 percent SH. also gas prices are diferent chm pries are diferent and cost of living is different.

While I certainly don’t mean any disrespect…and wish you nothing but the best of luck…This type of pricing structure is what gives our Industry such a “black eye”. It cheapens the service we (you) provide. I know your service area quite well. You’re looking at this as a “High Volume Low Profit Margin” business model, and this “May” work for “You” but certainly not the potential of your market. For homes the size you described, you’re washing 4 to every 1 that others sell for a more reasonable price. That means 4 times labor, 4 times fuel, 4 times the travel, 4 times less profit margin,…4 times everything. You will soon find out the difference between “Having A Job” and “Owning A Business”.

When you see the Mercedes & Bmw’s at your customers homes…ask them why they didn’t get a cheaper car at the rent-a-dent car lot. You can eat at McDonalds or the Steak House…Personally I Eat Steak.

Good Luck!


At $79.99, why not double your price - you could afford to lose at least 50% of your bids and customers, only wash 4 houses a day (or still do 8 houses a day - but only for half the year) and still walk away with your “$155,000”…

I don’t want to dampen your enthusiasm, but you lost me at the whole “I don’t need insurance” part. It tells me you aren’t concerned about taking care of your customer. A smart older Chiropractor once told me - he didn’t buy his insurance to cover him - it was to cover his clients and make sure they were taken care of if God forbid he ever goofed up. Good insurance shows you care about the people and property under your care.

I’m actually curious about your logo, honestly whenever I see it - I think it’s someone pulling a joke on here. Not trying to be mean, - but it looks like a 4 year old from the 80’s drew it because he saw a lightbrite infomercial. It looks tacky.

Best of luck-ish.


Sounds like you have it all figured out. Don’t forget to stop in here next year or so when you need to sell all your stuff because you couldn’t get it to work.

FWIW - you need ins., a broken window, even on a 74.99 house wash, can run well over a few hundred dollars (a days work for you). Breaking the seals on a window will cost money too. Breaking lawn ornaments can get expensive without ins. Spraying someone in the face with your soap, when they walk around the corner and you don’t see them, can get REALLY expensive.

And what will you do when the next new guy comes into your neighborhood charging $64.99? You will need to drop your prices to keep your customer and your profit margin goes way down

I know guys in your area charging $250+ for homes that size and 9 times out of ten they sell the wash for well over 500. Feel free to call them crooks as you drive by their big houses with nice cars and they are relaxing with their families, that is when/if you have the free time

when will you have time to create/send out eddm or whatever type of marketing you plan on doing? Heck, when will you go on vacation or relax?

Why did they fail???


I’m so glad you’re still here, @JCinNJ !

I have not read every thing but what you must understand is if you think every minute PW’ing is where it’s at keep your paying job. Running a business is complicated. Also the cheap pricing and your way of thinking needs to be corrected. It does not matter how fast it takes you to do a job. You have Knowledge,training,equipment,chemicals,tools,spare parts,license,insurance and transportation. That’s what they pay for. Less than 150/Hr. You will struggle unless you have little expect little

You people dont know anything about what it takes to build a successful residential pressure washing business. A website will send all the EDDM for me and help me design them taking less than an hour… Insurance doesnt cost more than 700 a year, but i dont need insurance to start building my business and i am a professional I will never have to worry about damaging anything, I use only low pressure, after i chemical the house i put my chemical line in water and rinse with that… and if i do the most that wil happen is i wont get paid for the job… your friends that are over charging these peoples days are over… There are hundreds of websites that will let me pay them few hundred dollars a year and will add my business and webpage to 100 of sites and help with a lot of things… I wont be struggling my business partner is my dad and i dont have to pay any bills whatsoever and he is helping me buy equipment etc… my county doesnt require a license for a sole proprietor business… I just washed 5 houses yesterday. My business will grow and grow, and i will get insurance i just dont need it when i dont even have more than 5 houses a week yet. In 20 years I will have over 5000 customers that i will wash many twice a year and multiple crews running and i will have insurance then, i dont need it when my company is a week old… I put my facebook page together a week ago, i have 37 likes and 2 5 star reviews… Everything i have done in these two weeks has been with ZERO money invested, and it is a foundation in which to build and upgrade as i progress and get more money to invest in it… I couldnt just have my name, at least a stick figure pressure wash person takes the place of a future logo and a basic idea on what it will look like… AT LEAST IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE 100s OF OTHER PRESSURE WASH BUSINESS< AT LEAST I STAND OUT. at least i am covering all the aspects of a business and have a place to start and build on upgrade and change as i get more money to pay for better designs… You dont just jump straight to looking so professional, especially if u dont have the money… my company is a week old and already listed on multiple sites, and about to be listed by YEXT on all sites… and today i am devoting to a website, and once i have that I have studied SEO and know what i have to do backlinks and leaving my link on this forum and all over the web… you people are just haters, I have a flat rate and take the good with the bad… I dont do every house for 74.95, most houses i do for 100… but the 30 or so dollar difference is just 30 dollars of profit i am giving up, but when u have 5000 customers that call you and only you every single time also when they need the driveway or fence or anything else b.c u gave up that 30$ of profit and didnt worry about squeezing every dime u could out of them then it wont matter. Ur witnessing a genius and the start of the greatest residiential pressure washing business to ever exist. All the things u say ill need and wont be able to aford im not going to ever need until i am doing enough houses to worry about it and at that time i will be making enough money to afford them… Just because u dont understand how it can work doesnt make you right. Your absolutely wrong and im glad so many of u dont think it will work, especailly since I have worked for a company that did it and is number one in the low country. also i am writting this in a rush so dont worry about quoting every word i say, just try to use ur simple brain and understand the basics of what im saying… in the end what u say doesnt matter, i am not worried about making everything i can off my customers on one job, i am thinking about the long game profit… When i have more money to invest I will have a basic general idea and somewhere to start… BE a hater and mad that the industry has changed since the 30 years ago when u started and a new computer savvy generation has come and they are taking over.

I didnt have time to make this better, but at least its something to post up and its something i can look at and ask myself what can i do better next time… HATERS GUNNA HATE.

You’re funny kid!!!

Most of us earn more in a hour than you do in a day, we are trying to help buy you are too thick headed to understand

Now if I was living with my parents and they were paying all my bills, I guess $80 hour would look pretty good. And in 20 years you will still be living with your parents because your not earning enough to move and support yourself.

BTW, since you already know everything, as you stated in your last post, why did you come here looking for help?? AND then turn down the help you get??

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I would not have commented had I known I was dealing with a mere child still on the tit! Yes you can make it in your dream world considering your parents run your bath water , pay your rent, wash your clothes, and provide your finances. Your cheap prices will certainly undercut your completion Father trying to provide for his family. Legally.

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i appreciate yalls help… and i even charged the two story house owners $100 just because of u guys… i still did extra concrete and i will continue to do so. i dont know everything, i learn a new thing every day that i can use to reach more customers and manage my business better… All i meant by saying i stay with my dad and dont have to worry is if i dont got it im not going to be on the street, im still paying though…

That’s a loser mentality. Why not give a free week of cleaning just for us. I hope you never post again. You are a waste of effort

This has to be my favourite thread in quite a while…although lm getting a sore head from banging it against the wall
Are you sure you are using your chemicals properly and not sniffing them?


No insurance? Shoot, I bought insurance before I even started advertising.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you have NEVER and will NEVER accidentally mess up or deface the property of your clients. The point is it doesn’t matter.

What happens when it’s not your fault and the crappy paint changed colors (there’s been a thread about this recently)?

What happens when the screen enclosure already had holes in it and the customer swears you put them there?

What happens when a few expensive plants in their yard were already dying but they blame it on your bleach?

These are just a few scenarios where they could sue you for thousands of $$$ in damages. It protects you and it protects your customer. It’s a no-brainer.



I made that last post without reading that last essay you wrote… now I wish I hadn’t ever made the post after seeing the attitude you have towards the vets on this thread. You know what? My business is 3 months old, and I learned a ton from the contributions made by successful businessmen on this forum. The difference between you and I is that I’m a well-educated man with a graduate education, but I still humble myself and seek knowledge every day from people who know the industry far better than I.


im sure ive more than likely washed more homes than these guys. over 2000

How many did YOU book?
How many did YOU call before YOU actually landed one?
How many of them called YOU asking for a quote?
How many gallons of SH did YOU purchase for use?
How much did YOU pay in taxes? (Fed, State and local)
How many of them called YOU back?
How many will call YOU next year?
How much did YOU spend on advertising?

These are only a few of the questions YOU need to know in order to plan for next season. Maybe your dad can hire me to manage your business, but I guarantee you that at $75/house wash you will not be able to afford me, maybe your dad can but you never will…

Im am really unsure if you are just looking to kill some time on a forum or if you are really serious.
If not i wish you the best of luck with your business model.

is it not possible to delete this… ??? heres the latest possible permanent change, my business is just starting, i tweak and upgrade every day. what i do have though are the skills, i have honed my skills for about 4 years, i do really professional quality work, and that none of u can take from me