LOGO time!

You should really heed advice and take the concept to a professional. You may be surprised and get it done for <$70. Then ALL of your marketing will be slick and you’ll be proud. Not saying that it is terrible, bit it isn’t professional quality.

If you dont, there is 99% chance you will be thinking of redesigning your logo every time you want to order more marketing but often going back to this one and saying next time I’ll redesign it.


Agreed. It’s back to the drawing board as of right now. What does Professional quality consist of if you don’t mind me asking? Thanks for the feedback!

I tried the $5 fiverr just to see and then I paid $75 for a logo on fiverr and after 18 revisions, got what I wanted.

Dont know how to define it exactly but you know it when you see it.

There are Americans with graphic designer degrees offering logo design services on the cheap on fiverr. My wife is looking at some literally right now for a craft business she wants to start. I did my logo, EDDM, and door hangers on there and have been very pleased.

Graphic designers (especially learned) understand the subtle nuance of spacing, consistency, sizing, and all of the other important elements of a “professional logo.” Beleive me I’m not trying to get you to spend money on fiverr lol, just want to help you avoid a potential mistake that could haunt you for years… I am pleased with mine but will probably add a third color and more trim around my logo lettering before wrapping trucks and stuff down the road. I think about it once a week, like what am I waiting for.


@Historic is right. You definitely want your logo to be a vector graphic so you can blow it up as large as you want and it won’t be pixilated (think about when you want it on a banner for a local show where you have a table set up).

Something else a pro can help with is a branding package. They can help choose the colors and fonts that you can use in everything you or your wife creates. The last thing you want is a mixed marketing message when you can’t remember the exact colors you used last time you made a flier.

Furthermore, if you take the time to find a good designer now it’ll pay off in the long run. They can make your logo, business cards, fliers, yard signs, banners, etc. And since you have a relationship/history with them they’ll know your brand and can keep it all consistent.

Lastly, I think we small business owners often think we are saving money by bootstrapping stuff and doing it ourselves when our time is really better spent honing our craft and perfecting our processes. Instead of doing that we waste time on things like logos and business cards when people with much more creativity and skill can do a better job, faster. Think about someone washing their own driveway with an electric pressure washer they borrowed from their neighbor. Sure, it’ll look ok when they’re done but you could pull up with your 8 gpm machine and surface cleaner and get it done in a quarter of the time and it would look a lot better. You’re the homeowner trying to clean your own driveway when folks on fiverr are ready to do it right, faster.

Do the right thing now or wish you had in 2 years when you finally decide to and have to change every piece of branding you’ve ever created.


@Soak_N_Texas just give fivver a try today be surprised. I tried it I really didn’t like what.i got but.it did end up giving me some ideas. It’s cheap enough either way.


Well said thank you.

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Thank you for the explanation. Opened my eyes for sure.

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Yea man, a lot of great explanations on this thread. I’m looking into it now. Thanks brother.

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I’m not sure who I’ve been talking to @Soak_N_Texas or @TexasPressureWashing :joy::joy:. Logos damn near identical.


Trail blazing over here. :rofl: :joy:

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I agree with a lot that was said in the thread. As for Fivver definitely hire more than one designer. I think I hired one out of the gate, he just didn’t understand what I was kind of looking for, and then ended up hiring 3 more at the exact same time. After multiple revisions I ended up with something I liked. I paid less than $100 total.

We were kind of talking on here just the other day about how different countries have completely different styles of logos. For example, take a look a Japan’s candy wrappers. If a piece of candy didn’t have some cartoon looking thing on it nobody over there would buy it. I think that’s a big reason why Fivver is hit or miss. What they design might be perfect for their country but not exactly what we’re looking for. You can definitely find someone on there who does a great job though. Just read reviews and be sure to hire one with unlimited revisions.

When having your logo designed keep things in mind like embroidery for shirts or hats. If certain parts of the graphic are too small or, even the text, you might not be able to have it done.

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You can search for a designer in the USA to help prevent some of those issues. Not all but some.

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I think almost everyone on PWR is American (or resides there) … except me ! Any American thoughts on my Logo ?

How about incorporating the actual map of the island of Cyprus in your logo?

Its in there, in the droplet

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The bottom row is hard to read against the droplet. I didn’t notice to island until you pointed it out. I would move the island to the background, change the bottom text inside the droplet to white.

Consider changing the text color for all of it so it’s uniform and legible. Also make the text the same size on the top row.

Not bad though.

Thanks, appreciate the very constructive feedback, will give it a go and see how it looks, I did want the island map to be subtle its aimed at Cypriots so it stands out to them.

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I think your logo could be better.

I think your logo should be an orange drop, and at the bottom the wreath, just like your country flag. Simple only two items. Then to the right of it in all caps
and under both the logo and the name and a line, you put Exterior pressure washing.

If you add the I.P.C. to the drop you get more use out of it, like stickers, once your branding is solid people will recognise your company name.

Also make sure it’s vector


Thank you DoubleH for the feedback and the drawings, great to be able to visualize !