Local domination course (lean and mean academy)

Most of his videos are just previous recordings of Aaron and them talking to each other via Skype. Most videos aren’t very long, maybe just a few minutes, and during some of those he’s trying to sell you on his web design for $$$ a month and selling you on other things during this “training”.

I just can’t help feel like how he’s telling me to talk to customers to manipulate them into getting more money out of them, I feel like he’s doing the same thing to me as his customer. I don’t want “tactics” pulled on me, but that’s how he is; Lean and Mean and he’s here to make money.

And like I said before, some of his tactics are unethical, but he’s got talent in marketing and what not so maybe it’s an “eat the meat, spit out the bones” type situation if you want to drop some money.

I learned a few things from that course, but honestly I’ve learned more just being on this forum for the past few days. Save your $300 to invest elsewhere, IMO.

I gotta give him credit for what he does, he’s hustling and making money for sure! But I wouldn’t pay for it again.


thanks for saving me $300

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How do you target top 50% and college grads on facebook? i’ve had a rough experience using it, must’ve spent $200+ and no leads

Through demographics

is your call to action button a link to your website or a link to your phone number? i’m struggling to see why my ads yield zero results

Had a quick look at this guy on YouTube last night, you guys would have to be tweaking in a dark alley at 2.30am on a Monday morning to pay this guy money to “elevate” your business.


I got it for $100 when it first came out, it was worth that but I wouldn’t pay anymore… also didn’t discover this forum yet

And you got something against tweaking in a dark alley??

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Leads not tweaks son lol

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Oh :eye::lips::eye:

I paid for it. It was ok but not super impressed. I payed when it was $199. There is a washathon in Atlanta ga in September. I thought it looked cool then I saw tickets are $1000!!! Thats nuts. Oh but lunch is included lol.

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He’s said before he doesn’t want to be pressure washing. There probably is more money in selling shovels and gold pans.


which one of these should i be doing? i’ve spend hundreds of facebook ads for 0 results. starting to go bald over here

I’ve done pretty good just boosting posts. Just make sure the post has something like a slideshow with before and after pictures or something like a time lapse video of you washing a house and the algae disappearing. Add some music to get their attention. Set the demographics for ages around 30-60 or whatever you think is best for your area. Setting it for 30+ should keep a lot of younger people from seeing it.


@marinegrunt is right. Boost a post.

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I don’t pay for ads. I join FB groups that are local in my area, I post on them with before and afters, a link to my website to book, and a nice bio of any offers or specials. It’s free and I get hits quiet often from it, plus it targets better and grows community awareness of your brand and who you are. Which eventually turns to more direct google searches and bookings organically. But let me tell you, Referrals are king.

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I hear you, but every time i try this i always get my posts deleted since promoting your business is against the rules for most of the groups.

I always boost for get more messages. Easiest way for ppl to get in contact with u. Feel free to checkout how I do my Facebook vids @ Redirecting...

Sitting at like 7.50 a lead. Only do $4 a day on 3 diff posts at a time, I had bad results spending any more than that also open targeting all the way up just set it for anyone over 40

Also get the Facebook ads manager app or use desktop, I doubt you get the full range of features on mobile browser