Link Swap

Looking to add some links to my webpage. We have pretty good rankings for our keywords in our area, just need that little extra boost. Let me know if anyone is interested! Roof Cleaning Maryland, Gutter Cleaning Delaware, Pressure Washing Salisbury check it out


page is up, let me know!

Link swapping is kinda burnt out, isint it? From what I understand, last years panda update kinda squashed the power of link sharing.

I could be wrong…

you are somewhat correct. How Google or any site ranks your site has changed somewhat… There is not actually someone who goes through your site and reads word for word… These “bots” take stats from your page… Social media is weighing in alot… However back links are still important, especially relevant links. Since no one actually looks at your site, they view back-links as how important or informative your site it… So, if you have a ton of backlinks, google believes that since those sites are linking back to yours, you must have quality content… Given there are many other things that factor in, relative backlinks are still important.

Plus you will lose a lot of interest being linked to an Arizona contractor…