Lessons and Questions

Now I am beginning to wonder if it could be my equipment. I recently bought the trailer setup I wonder if poor maintenance from the previous owner could have caused corrosion in the lines and that rust is being deposited into the concrete??? i also was not able to flush the lines after use the other day. So SH sat for a few days in my hose until I could get power to the pump. I noticed similar staining on my walkway also. This was not an issue last year with my home owner grade system.

Not a bad looking setup and trailer other than your 12v and proportioner area. Sheesh, that’s a rat’s nest. Get a piece of plywood or something to mount all of that neatly to the wall or an upright and redo that section. Will make it a lot easier for you to work on and troubleshoot.

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So far I am not happy with the performance of the SW system. Or at least I expected better. So much so that I am considering changing to a gas powered set up. My spray distance is barely 10 feet.

You’ve got air in the line somewhere. Either you havent purged it all out or its sucking air in somewhere. Check all your fittings

Thank you. I don’t think about the air leaks. I figured the friction loss was more than the little pump could over come.

You’re not helping things with all the 90s you have, especially right at the outlet of the pump. A 90 fitting can cause a pressure drop of 2-3 psi each. I know some areas are necessary, but try to lay it out as efficiently as you can and use 45s instead of 90s if possible.


I agree, tons of 90s and lots of old barbs. Bet you’d get a few more feet just replacing what you’ve got on the gun side (old barb-> ball valve ->gun). Search “@racer gun” and read through his 12v posts for some ideas.


Thank you I will have to rework that whole area to clean it up.

@dc1mk2 how is your 12v pump mounted? To my eyes it appears to be just floating. On my pump it states I have to keep it laying flat.

I believe the guy who built the set up, has his journeyman in Wire Tie technologies.


or he’s a stockholder in the industry leader…


Everything on your 12v pump setup is wrong. Keep the pump and throw the rest out.

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@dc1mk2 why is that there? crack remedy? could be where air coming from.

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Yep. I was just looking deeper into the parts and asked myself the same thing. My hose reel needs a bit of work also.

Depends on how you plan to use it…

The pump and proportioner base are both attached to the tank’s preset threaded holes. Needles to say the whole area will get reworked and remounted.

The pump and proportioner don’t need to be that close to each other when you rework it. With it bunched up like that your forced to use 90s to get it plumbed, something you want to avoid or keep to a minimum. Spread it out a bit and run straight Nipples off the proportioner and pump with longer plumbing. Think circle not square with plumbing, it’s only a 12v pump, the smoother your flow the better it works.


Yeah no doubt. .There is plenty of room for a complete new plumbing job. I also realized that it is the cheapest proportioner on the market. Definitely considering an update grade while I am in the process of correcting issues.