Ladder rack, worth it?

I dont need a ladder rack, but it would be handy a handful times a year… got him down to $225 and black would match work truck and come with clamps. Worth it?

It does come with both racks… just never been around a Trac Rack


You need a ladder rack. But a good one and be done with it

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Is it just the headache rack or is there another at the back of the truck? 225 seems a little steep for that.

@Donut my buddy’s got the same one just unpainted and he absolutely loves it.

Yeah, i went and got it this afternoon… been looking at getting one but just didnt want to spend the money… price was right and came with clamps for Tacoma Rail system.

Prolly get them put on this weekend, will have to make adjustments cause i gotta keep toolbox on there.

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We added a ladder rack at the tail end of last year and it’s hard to know how we made due without one. Made us more efficient when we need ladders (gutter clean outs).

I hate gutters… but i only need ladder few times a year, im sure itll be nice.

And whatta ya know.

Could have used ladder, just had a screen fall out on Room over garage… day late.