Keep hoses from falling off roof edge

Today I had to wrap up the church job, but part of it was standing on a flat roof and the hoses kept sliding back off the roof edge. It was quite a dance to stand on two houses while working with them. I’m sure I’m just not putting in the right search terms into Google, but does anyone know if anything that will secure hoses to a roof edge or keep Hoses from sliding back down?

prussic cord to your belt, vent pipe, chimney, bird something?



All joking aside, I tried using one of those husky Velcro straps with the carabiner on it and the house is still slept past one another and the guns got tangled. I’m sure there is something I can attach to myself that would work better, but that Velcro strap wasn’t it

I had to Google prusik cord, but I think a little tighter loop with two lanyards might actually work out really well.

A prussic allows you to easily slide it up down the hose but any tension arrests its travel. I’ve hung off of them 50 feet off the ground while changing out a brake bar while rappelling. Put a carabineer on the end of the prussic and clip to something. We use them when doing long runs of curbs or sidewalks to keep the weight off the gun hand


@squidskc That’s the firefighter coming out in IBS lol he paid attention in ropes class. Lol


Was that when you were building your tree house? :wink:

Lol. I had scaffolding for that. @SPC nailed it on the fireman thing

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I will tie you one if needed and send you. The prussik that is. If you Google animated knots I think it’s in their library if you need help. Just remember the cord needs to be small enough to “bite” on the hose. Then do a girth hitch twice or three times basically to attach it.

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Don’t help him Zane. He has to grow up sometime. They all have to leave the nest. Seems like it was just yesterday that he was washing a mega church. Now he’s trying to keep hoses on the roof. Where was animated knots when we came along.?

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I have some experience in knots thanks to the navy. @zfranks I already Googled it and have the paracord out. I appreciate it though!

you mentioned paracord so here’s a shameless plug for my kid brother’s company

I carry 14 concrete blocks with me 4 get chained to the bottom of the ladder to keep it from kicking out. Just a side note, I use 2 giant steel Cclamps to clamp the top if the ladder to the gutter to keep it stable. The other ten blocks go on the roof. I use anchor chain I got while in the navy to tie my self to them,so I don’t fall off the roof. I also use the holes in them to thread the chem hose through so it doesn’t slide off the roof.

That sounds way harder than this.

I know IBS I wish I had that animated knot thing when Pope was teaching us to rig that dang basket bridle and all the lashing…was the internet even around back then?

Not when I started. Over, over, under under or something close to that lol

All kidding aside. Make sure YOU are tied off when your up there AND helpful tips number 117387-B. and C, DONT walk backwards and DONT step on wet chem hose.

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Good gravy! It must take forever to set that up!

Close. Now try experimenting with different numbers of wraps (friction) to see what’s easiest to work with.

@squidskc It’s hard to explain without a picture, but you have to dress the knot so that the looped section is to the OUTSIDE of the knot. (It’s inside in the picture you posted)

Please let me know if that explanation makes sense.