Ivy Covered house

Does anyone have experience with washing a ivy covered house (that is a feature of the house) how quickly does SH kill it, whats the process, how did it turn out?

(Not the house I’m estimating but good enough to get the idea)



Nothing kills ivy. That plant sucks. They’ll have it coming out their electrical outlets inside their house one day.


I just wet before and rinse after, hard to kill them with house wash mix. But I do rinse just in case.

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Avoid customers with quirky features and stick to somewhat normal folks, they are wired differently and everything will be your fault or done wrong. Opinion from actual experiences.


Agreed 100%. Ivy is not a feature. It’s an invasive growth. Anyone who sees it as a feature, does not meet the criteria of what I consider “customer material”.

(I do admit it gives buildings a certain gothic appeal, though. Seems that cleaning the building would dampen the effect.)

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You could drench the ivy with house wash mix, walk away, and a week later it will probably have grown even more.

Normal house wash mix is absolutely fine on boston ivy.

Just wet first, and wet after if it makes you feel better…