Is this fixable? If not my first insurance claim incoming

In reading this, I started wondering. If you were to wash those sections with a hotter mix, would the paint in that section match the discoloration? I know that when I paint walls, the whole wall needs to be painted all at once because of the way the light hits it.
If a little stronger mix blended these spots in just those sections, would it be noticeable compared to the other sections of the house?
Since you are going to repaint anyhow, what would be the harm in testing a portion with a stronger mix to see if it would lighten everything to match the spots you show?
Just a thought, I could be way off here so Iā€™m sure others will respond if this is worthwhile or not.

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Iā€™m aware laws in every state are different so my advice is based on the laws in my state .

If your deciding weather or not to use your insurance the answer is simply. If you need a special licensed to repair the damage and you donā€™t have it . Hand it over to your insurance. Plumber/ electrician/ windows/ doors and in my state painting also requires a special license.

In my experience no customer has ever got upset by me telling them ā€œ Iā€™ll report it to my insurance and weā€™ll get it handled ā€œ

Weather you decide to fix it yourself or hire your own contractor if the jobs not done to there satisfaction the two are the same . The customer will hold you liable until there satisfied. This generally wonā€™t happen if you let your insurance handle it .

There is no reason to be afraid to use your insurance. I pay for it so when stuff happens itā€™s there . Itā€™s just another tool to provide good customer service. And in my experience itā€™s just makes life easier


I agree- I had that same issue when I first started house washing and drops hit a deck that was not cleanā€¦Spots everywhere. Cleaned it, spots were goneā€¦Maybe the siding is just dirty and the overspray actually cleaned itā€¦Iā€™d try and spray an area down with Housewash and see what the result is. You may be pleasantly surprised.

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we had a white stucco house turn pink a few weeks agoā€¦ 2nd one in our historyā€¦ Unfortunately stuff happens. I happen to have a good relationship with a painting company and they took care of it for me, so I didnā€™t file insurance claimsā€¦ However the technicians now have to do test spots with spray bottle on every surface that may get any SH whatsoever and send us before/after pictures before starting jobs.