Customer was happy relative to what it looked like previously. But I don’t think its supposed to look like this. Any recommendations? Post treat?
No, it’s not supposed to look like that. A little bit of striping you can just post treat, but that isn’t clean. You need to clean it again and slower. What equipment and pressure did you use? Did you pretreat?
Thanks, I used a cold water 8gpm unit, 3500 PSI. Just water, no soap or detergent, just water.
What nozzles in your surface cleaner? What is the surface cleaner? That determines what pressure you’re putting out.
You should have pretreated that, especially if was as bad as you make it seem. I know not everyone does, but I do and it seems to clean up so much better. I don’t usually post treat because I’ve found a good pretreat and letting it dwell for 5-10 minutes comes out perfect and I never have an issue with striping. Everyone has their way to do it, pretreat or post treat, both, and what percentages and soaps. I don’t think there is a 100% right answer, but only water isn’t it.
Ok, never isn’t accurate when it comes to striping. Very rarely is what I meant.
Got it, so you pre-treat at what % dilution on 12.5% bleach? 3 -4%. Also how do you apply your soap? Pump sprayer?
You could pump up if you like pumping that much. I would suggest a 12v spray system
My 2 cents.
Like NickSki said, check your surface washer nozzles. You can pre treat or post treat. Slow your speed with the surface washer. First clean the sides of the driveway so when you go from one side to the other you will not have spaces that you missed. I would clean the lowest spot first if water stays there then I will go from the garage door down. I am using a 4gpm and a 5.5gpm
with a hammerhead surface.
The max I can do with this gun is 2.5%. This what I use to downstream my pretreat on. I’ll either do 10:1 or 5:1 depending on the condition of it. I use a pump up if I have some really bad spots with 50/50 in it.
Hey! I’m not the only one that has this problem.
Post treat that nastiness with 3%, let sit for ~20 minutes and rinse…at least that is what fixes striping. I’ve tried every flippin’ combination of nozzles and speeds, still have to post treat the ugly drives.
I made my own portable 12v using a 2gpm pump, small AGM battery and some flexzilla, all built into a plastic ammo box. Hauling around the 5’er is still a pain.
Get the heat!
Saturate concrete
Pre treat and allow to dwell
Surface clean a section
Rinse do not allow dirt to settle
Do another section
Post treat
Do not overlap tips
Don’t drink before you do concrete.
Well I asked to do a ride along! But seriously I saw your video I’m going to have my tech watch it and apply in the field. I had my lead and only tech do this driveway as pre-opening training. Luckily we can go back out as many times as we need to because it’s a close family friend. But based on what you all have said and what I saw on site I’ve good a few things to address with him. I appreciate the feedback, we will get it right.