I’m looking for info on how to remove copper staining off of exterior masonry safely. I already soft washed it with my algea removing system. But now need to remove the heavy copper stains from light colored blocks.
I also need information on how the best way to seal the blocks afterwards. This is on a church.
I have the same issue with a customer’s front porch. I was thinking F9 F9 BARC: Concrete Rust, Fertilizer and Orange Battery Stain Remover
or Hydrofluoric acid. You can seal it with Hydro-Top by Wakefield http://www.wakefield-mfg.com/Hydro-Top.php
F9 didn’t say it removes copper staining.
I don’t know if it does or not. It’s just the first thought I had. I was going to email them and ask about copper but the customer wants to wait until Spring anyway so I haven’t fully researched it yet.
Old thread, no answer. Anyone know?
Nothing coming up when I search for this