Infinity’s Honda iGX-700, Udor gear drive build

Thanks for the tip :+1:t2:

I did do blue thread-locker on everything, but I’ll make a habit of re-torquing at every oil change.

Lol, you wouldn’t call me that if you saw the inside of my shed right now :scream:

And I’ve still never seen any version of The Odd Couple. One of those classics I’ve just never gotten around to seeing yet. :man_shrugging:

Excellent show. Watch it before Quincy MD

I hope you the answer. I haven’t logged in :woozy_face:

I just took the motor over to my mechanic and he spent 5 minutes finding the correct ones. I wish I was more help!

Ha! Yes, I found some. :slightly_smiling_face:

i just looked up the price of that motor and about pooped my pants. Don’t tell William or Schertz, but we bought a predator off the shelf to start using a machine an hour later. Still using it to run a gear drive udor. I bought an entire trailer from a guy who started a pressure washing business here locally getting out of the business after just two years in with 500 hours for two of those motors. (I got the client list too!) I’m too cheap for and ix7000. Is it remote start?


Hahahahahaha I winnnnnnnnnnnn the day!


Damn… :rofl:

Not yet! :joy:

I didn’t pay the price listed on most sites. My local dealer was at $1850 + $160 for the muffler and $85 for freight. No sales tax in NH. Which was quite a bit more than @Dago52 paid a few months ago.

Oh… that’s slightly better. The one I saw was $3800.

Don’t know what they’re smoking… lol.

Sprayerdepot has the 800 for like $1750, but the freight was going to be $260ish, and they wanted $200 for the muffler, so I figured I’d just shop local and settle for a slightly smaller machine.

Wait, what? Brodie my friend I have truly miss you here.

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I wrote you an entire story in the thread about the best injectors. I’ve missed you too buddy.


So, funny story (at least I think so):

Monday afternoon, on a whim I stopped in to a hydraulic shop that was on my way home from a job north of me. I needed one more whip line for between my pump and unloader. Everyone is always talking about how awesome it is to do business with their local hydraulic shops. Well, this was not one of those places.

The proprietor had one of the least sunny dispositions I’ve seen in a long while. He had some difficulty understanding what I wanted at first. I practically had to beg him to walk the 20 feet out to my truck to just look at what I was doing. After a bit of back and forth, he finally grasped what I wanted, and set about cutting and crimping my new hose. He insisted that each fitting be test-fit to my pump before crimping, though I could clearly tell that they were the correct 3/8” npt threads. :roll_eyes:

After the initial introduction, every other word out of his mouth was the F-bomb. Like, grow up man. And his shop had nude pin-ups on clear display. Geez. He was also unabashed about advertising his political beliefs, with a giant campaign flag on the side of his shop wall, and other paraphernalia. I really don’t care about that stuff, but I can’t imagine the amount of business he probably loses because of it, in our incredibly liberal-minded area.

Once the hose was completed, he spent the next 7 or 8 minutes with a calculator, pricing book, and notepad working out the price.

$49.32. For a 2 foot 2 wire pressure hose, and two crimped fittings (one swivel). Okaaayy. Guess I should’ve ordered one. :man_shrugging:

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I got a quote from my supplier to make me whip hoses, $50 each before discount. Thought I could do better at a local shop and they charged me $60 each and I supplied the hose.
Lesson learnt lol

Lol so they should. You don’t take a patty to McDonald’s and ask them to cook it.

Sounds like one of my good ole boys from the Carolina’s moved up there. Just like a spyder, sitting on it’s web waiting, for someone in their prim and proper Infinity gear drivng their fancy Toyota truck to come along. You got the ‘woke generation’ price, LOL.

Seriously, I can remember the days when every garage and most service bays in the old fashioned gas stations had stuff packed everywhere, you could barely walk in the door, overflowing ash trays and pinups on all the walls. Floors had never been swept and they changed shirts once a week whether needed or not, and no A/C. But some of those boys could flat tune up an engine.


No doubt. He called it a discount, though :rofl:

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Here you go:

I think each 2 foot 2 wire 3/8” whip cost me around $21. $1.65/foot, plus $7.50 for a fixed end and $10 for a swivel end.


First startup. Woot woot.

Is this normal? @Innocentbystander

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Yep, just bubbling I up some air. It’ll look normal 5 minutes after you shut it down. Change it after first 50 hours then every half decade.

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