If you're drowning, listen to this

This is not a post for the established business owners on this site. Although I bet if you listened to it you could relate. Its giving me more understanding about my situation than anything I’ve heard to date. My business is growing beyond my control and I’m starting to realize how much help I need. Lots of long nights awake worrying, I’m sure others can relate. I can feel a pivotal moment approaching that’s going to dictate the success of my business for years to come… and its plain old scary. I’m not one to open up but I wanted to put it out there. This book really puts all my thoughts and worries
Into perspective. Give it a listen. Hope it helps someone else that feels like they are drowning. - YouTube


Preach brother :raised_hands:

Will check it out.

Thanks for sharing that Rick! I’m really into executive summaries for books like these. I try to read several a week. Here’s the executive summary for the audible for everyone The E Myth Revisited

Cool thing was this is written in 1986


I just started listening to the E Myth. I understand why it has so many positive reviews now

1 Like

Thank you. Very good read.
Do you have any other books in mind like this one?
Thank you

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

Book Summary: The 7 Day Startup by Dan Norris

To Sell Is Human by Daniel H. Pink

Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Start With Why By Simon Sinek This one is powerful

Drive By Daniel H Pink

No summaries available for these books but they are worth the read (I buy my copies used on eBay for $4 each):

Turning the Flywheel: A Monograph to Accompany Good to Great by Jim Collins

Why She Buys: The New Strategy for Reaching the World’s Most Powerful Consumers

Book by Bridget Brennan

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t

Book by Jim Collins