Does a straw hat hold up to SH well?
I buy the straw surfer hats they have a big brim and I use 2 a year and there only around 20.00
I finally broke down and spent $130 on a polyester outfit today. Wind blown sh never left a mark!
I have only worn it to 5 or 6 jobs so far, but it seems to be holding up great. No discoloring
@SchertzServicesLLC does it look anything like this. First thing that comes to mind when you polyester outfit.
I’d rock that all day!
Made a new redneck trick on friday working in the wind! Couldn’t get this stupid dormer soaped on a 2 story with the wind. Sat there and scratched my head and felt really unprepared and like a noob. Needed to get my hose higher without a ladder or extension pole. Looked over at my trailer and there sat my 10ft 3 inch pvc pipe for the water station fill. I stuck my hose down the pipe, turned it on and held the HUGE pipe up and soaped the crap out of the dormer lol… glad no once saw me! I have since added a 7 ft wand to my rig should such an occasion arise again!