I had in mind cleaning a hotel

I posted like a month ago that the main hotel in the city was very dirty

Images from other day;

Today I have walked again in that area and it seems they have cleaned it(doesn’t seem like very good but I am not sure)

I don t know if it’s a casualty, due to the coronavirus or someone who heard I was going to do it (which is quite strange as I have told it to very few people).

Images from today:

I think that’s just foot traffic wearing it out. Nothing has been cleaned in either video.

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Definitely may be possible, hotel is closed down I think, also it may be only bleach spray because of coronavirus, the stranges thing (if it has been powerwashed) is the right part which is not floor level ) hasn’t been cleaned.

It’s most likely that, the aftermath of a disinfectant, but that’s never had a wand or surface cleaner touch it I can guarantee you that.

Nice to hear that, then I guess I have the opportunity left to clean it. I was a bit scared, not gonna lie, it did not only meant a possible lost costumer but also that my first competition company had just started.

By the time you start this business, my GX690’s will be antiques :joy:


So did you go in and talk to someone at hotel or leave them a card. Doesn’t help your business a lick telling us about it.


No, not yet, business has not been established yet, I’m in the process, I need to clean a couple properties before going to that hotel. On Friday I’m going to clean a family one, and after that a real state agency one.

Hit the action button my friend, action gets the results.

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Back in the day we only cleaned trucks, trailers and heavy equipment. I would see this and that around town needing to be cleaned. Within 4 months everything was getting just painted over. The money they blew wow just wow. I had a sense of when they were “ready”. I started selling it and I’ve felt so much better lol


Looks like Hotel Carlton in Bilbao, right? Did you ever get the cleaning job there? How is your business doing?