Hydrogen Peroxide instead of Bleach?

I’m not uber-experienced…but I’m pretty sure SH does not stop working upon contact. Contact with organics does trigger the reactive properties, and thus initiates it’s degradation to inert, but it will stay active when sprayed on a roof for hours (even up to 24 as I understand it). If it stopped working upon contact, the runoff wouldn’t kill everything in sight of the downspouts…

Dude, if you’re going to throw out a thigh, you may as well do it kicking over a KX500 but on the side note, you might be lucky it didn’t crank up. Maybe it’s a sign. That’s a wicked dangerous ride. We might not have you here to teach us how to fish saltwater. I’d love to have a CR500 but it would have to have street tires I guess once you get that far the license & registration is optional haha. 500cc 2 stroke ain’t no joke! Do they even make these things anymore?? I ain’t seen one in a while.

It used to be mine, I bought it new in 1998, crashed it and sold it to him for parts, I went on to buy a Honda CR500 then it got stolen, he ended up finding a used frame and forks, it all sat there for a few years and now she’s up and running. He’s got 2 of them now. One’s a thrasher and other ones in a concourse restoration stage. I think they stopped making them around the mid 2000’s. Heck of a bike 60hp pulls the front up in any gear on any surface. I can use it whenever I want but choose not too and I like horsepower.

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Dude, I don’t know where you’re at but some dudes get them tagged in Tennessee. When I get rich like you I’ll look deeper into the process but a liquid cooled 500cc 2 stroke super moto sounds like a blast on the backroads with the appropriate tires.

What do you mean Concourse?? Thrasher?? I had a YZ80 a few years back that would smoke any car in the parking lot around the block. 2 stroke bikes are crazy. You think you got it maxed out then it doubles all at once haha. You don’t have a clue unless you’ve been there.

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Down here it would be a waste of time to even try with all the regulations. They’re a full blown motocross bike not really designed for traffic use, they’re terrible things for transport, the big block Kawasaki’s are too temperamental and vibrate way too much not to mention engine life is measured in hours before tear downs, off-road you don’t really care about any of that stuff.

He’s got 2 kx500’s the thrasher is the one we play on and thrash around and the other one is a nut and bolt restoration project concourse basically meaning restored to brand new.

My son had a yz85 big wheel version. The power band hits about as hard as a 500 all things considered just quarter of the power. It would keep up with his buddy’s 125 4 stroke, eat it for lunch in the mud.

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Anyway I don’t know how hydrogen peroxide and bleach tie into this. I think we’ve pushed it a bit here bud lol don’t want @dcbrock getting his vernier calipers out :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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side note: vinegar is available in much higher acidity.

Concourse, their version of Mecum

Thrasher, their version of a beater

Location, slightly South of Florida

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We knly use it on commercial.cleaning for coolers ans fridges that have mold spores

Are you trolling me?

Bleach is a strong and effective disinfectant – its active ingredient sodium hypochlorite is effective in killing bacteria, fungi and viruses, including influenza virus – but it is easily inactivated by organic material.

Bleach is a disinfectant,

but it’s not a cleaner

When used properly (it should always be diluted with water before use), chlorine bleach is safe for disinfecting surfaces. It kills harmful germs and bacteria and sanitizes clothes in the laundry. “Bleach is like the sun in its ability to sterilize,” Benzoni says, “but it is not a cleaner.” Bleach rapidly loses effectiveness in the presence of dirt,

look, this was just a quick google and I’m not doing any more research on bleach again. I rather play a video game. You don’t mist a roof with your sprayer do you? If it was that effective you would. There is a reason you put down larger volumes and higher percentages on a roof. Heck, some people even have to go back and hit it again.

Seriously, if you aren’t trolling me and you think I’m full of bisquick, go read some research articles on SH it will explain many things. I’m just lucky, I’ve had the pleasure of getting great advice off of this forum from professionals, but I also tend to read a lot. I have had plenty of DM messages with people who taught me many things, I also went to some classes and some seminars and asked a lot of questions. Once again, I read a lot. Well not lately, as I have been playing video games.

Easy tiger. I don’t think he’s trolling you. You might have even reversed trolled him with your post lol.
We all know bleach isn’t a cleaner. It’s it the end all, be all chem? Probably not, but it is far superior to vinegar or peroxide for what we do. Maybe we should put our collective heads together and figure out how to make a track driven log splitter out of @MuscleMyHustle dirt bike motor


Maybe I replied to harshly, it is hard to tell on the internet who is joking and who isn’t.

As for the track driven log splitter, it sounds nice, but I split too many pieces of wood in my youth to even contemplate using firewood again. I will on a rare occasion split some wood for my firepit. I feel about the same way as I do about coal. I will always remember the mountain of coal sitting outside the house with two shovels stuck in the top of it waiting for my brother and I to get home from school and shovel it into the basement. That took us days and we weren’t playing around. Today they have these fancy belts and chutes and it goes right into the basement, back then it was kids. Not to mention the time we got “Free” coal from a train that overturned. Days and days of shoveling into pickups and trailers, to turn around and shovel it into the basement. They said it built character. I just made mental scars.


Log splitters not war :v::v:

Maybe we’re splitting hairs on terminology. As a relatively new guy, that post could have been read to say not to use SH to clean a house, or “if it doesn’t turn instantly, light 'er up”. If it went inert upon contact, then dwell time would not be preached, and we’d never kill plants. Also, it is the manufacturer’s recommended product to “clean” most exterior surfaces that we encounter. Not trolling, but in my limited knowledge, I know these facts to be accurate, lol.

Now if by “cleaning” we mean dirt, then nope, SH is useless…

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Love the bike talk here! Even it is a semi-hijack of a interesting thread. Just finished this restoration/update of a 2003 KX125. It’s now a KX144cc port and polished.


Beautifully done :ok_hand::ok_hand:. Be sure to use it and put some hours on her, they get boring to stare at after a while.

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I will say for peroxide it DOES kill mold on and into porous surfaces such as wood. I found mold in my house that was caused by an improper air conditioning set up pulling humid air from outside into the wall cavities and allowing condensation inside the walls. It was horrible. I didn’t have the money for professional remediation so I read, and read, and read. I found that a mix of peroxide at about a 4-6% strength actually draws into the grain of wall studs and kills mold down to the root.

That being said, on external cleaning I think it is cost prohibitive and SH has gotten proven results from many, many professional cleaners.