Working on this hydraulic fluid stain. Concrete is only 2 weeks old. Stain happened Monday, kitty litter was applied last night through this afternoon. First picture is after kitty litter. Second picture is after 3 coats of 5:1 double eagle with aggitation. Third picture is after groundskeeper 10:1 downstream, dwell 5+ minutes. Hot water rinsing. Can’t use surface cleaner because concrete is too new.
Any other thoughts or recommendations? We have Hurricane Heavy-Duty Degreaser, but some seem to think sodium hydroxide can deteriorate concrete or cause it to get dirty faster.
Grind in the oil dry with your boots. Let it sit a little while, like days then rinse. I don’t dilute degreasers and I’ve never had any issues. The more degreasing power the better in my opinion.
No, this is not my house. Did a round of EBC followed by groundskeeper downstream. Agitated groundskeeper. This is result. Not sure what happened there. Going to grind in kitty litter and rethink.
Both. I would be surprised if you can make that mess go away. 2 week old concrete and oil should be passed. It’s a lesson you should only learn once hopefully.
Well, I got to make it right one way or another. Brand new house, I feel terrible. Simply not charging isn’t enough to make that right. Worst case it’s an insurance claim if I can’t afford the replacement.
So with that said, taking all recommendations. Putting kitty litter on it for now.
I recently demo’d a job where Home Depot had a fork lift bust a hydraulic line on a 2 week old driveway. Tried Gold Assassin and F9 Groundskeeper straight nada. Even some pressure on a spot off the end of the driveway nada. Concrete that new will soak up those things if left on it for any time. This person waited 7 days to call me. Home Depot is paying for a new driveway for them.
In theory, you would put F9 efflo down straight. Let it bubble and do its thing, sometimes it will start to turn green. This turns the top layer of concrete into a paste. After that you would apply F9 double eagle, or similar over that to neutralize. Wait a minute then gently wash area. At minimum do this joint to joint. If you do joint to joint. saturate other slabs of concrete with degreaser before applying efflo to damaged area, otherwise the efflo runoff is going to give you an even worse day.
Extremely new concrete like this…all bets are off.
Thanks for the theory! That’s definitely more extreme than the dilutions the cookbook recommends for minor surface cleaner etching. I’ll put this theory with the torch last resort, right before replacing the driveway…