Huge Pump Problems

I’m a landlubber amigo. I don’t get on big bodies of water lol I stick to the creeks


I am in for the trip. I can navigate under the water, on the water (owned my own boat for years), on land (grew up with Rand McNally baby), in the air, and I could even get you around in space (lets find out). Never been to Cypress but I’d love to visit.

I was thinking about @SteveBoyle and his issues this morning actually. Can you order some elemonator directly @SteveBoyle what about engines and pumps from the US?


I didn’t know Texans got so skeeered of a little water. I’ll never believe anything they say about Texas again.

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I don’t do large bodies of water or airplanes. Sue me.


Easy now he moved to Arkansassy with @Hotshot I’m not afraid of water, boats, or airplanes.


He’s probably actually a displaced Californian or Oregonian… :rofl:…He probably does the diy witness protection program on every forum.

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haha, yes please come and bring all the kit ! i washed 900 mtr the last 2 days with a little Anovi and a lot of SH. All went from this …

to this …


I have tried but most sites say cannot deliver to your location, or the equipment costs 3k and the shipping 10k :rofl:
the luck hasnt been good recently but Im sure a fey lads on her understand adapt and overcome !

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I went to the beach in Florida once. I got about waist deep and then I remembered that most shark attacks happen in shallow water and I finished my business and got out lol


Hey, hey, hey! :bear:

I was waiting for that from you. :joy:

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The chance of a shark attack are very slim get out there and enjoy the ocean, a tonne more chance of getting minced in a car accident. I’ve seen hundreds of them while out gathering crays, I’ve had probably 6 decent sized ones charge at me with any intent most just circle and intimidate. I worry when there is no sharks or fish nearby that’s a sign something big is lurking around.


Nah, I’m cool lol

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Where and the heck do you take your lovely wife for vacation? @Hotshot’s farm? Most ladies like those tropical vacations.


Florida was a vacation lol we go to those places I just don’t get in the ocean any deeper than I have to lol

Watching too many Netflix Documentary’s bud lol.

I’ve seen Shark Week every year since 2010. I know the dangers that lurk beneath.


What kind of duties do they have in Cyprus? Every pump in the world made in Italy, so you should be able to get them. All you need is a decent size Honda and a gear drive. Should be able to source out of Ankara or Israel. Cyprus a pretty country in places with some great beaches.


Thanks Racer, yes I will get on it when I get a chance, duties from EU are zero, from third countries its high, being a small island shipping is not easy, either air freight and even then it may have to be through two or three countries. I imported these two machines from UK only took 6 days but at the moment UK flights banned because they are not managing Covid very well. all will be well, I have two small Anovi which have honda engines, did me proud the last couple of days more than 10,000ft2

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yeah, you earned your money doing that concrete job with those machines.

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