How would you clean this? Downtown brick building

It’s in the downtown portion of a local small town. I was thinking high percentage SH through the 12v system.

You need to get ahold of @Historic and beg him for some advice and probably buy him a salami bouquet for his help.

Or just creep his profile on here and read everything he has posted. The dude knows his stuff.


Thank you @DisplacedTexan.

That building isn’t going to clean from the ground or ladder. You’re looking at a lift rental. 1 week for a 40 footer around my area is right around $2k after delivery, taxes, etc. You most likely need permits to park on the street and/or block the sidewalk. It sounds more complicated than it is.

Tape and plastic the windows. Gorilla tape works the best for me and a 3 mil-ish plastic. Prosoco Heavy Duty Restoration cleaner. Free samples available at your local supplier to test spots first. You might need Limestone Restorer / Limestone afterwash for the stone. Again, free samples.

Process is wet wall, apply diluted chem and agitate with brush, let dwell. Rinse from bottom up. 1k-2k psi with a 25-40 degree tip. The stone cleaner and afterwash works the same. The cleaner is acidic and the afterwash is to neutralize the ph.

Don’t underbid yourself on something like this. This isn’t a housewash. Bid a full weeks worth of labor, the lift cost + $50 in fuel, permit fees, chems etc. Add 10%. In your bid, include pictures and break down everything. Ex: “plastic off all windows”, “supply 40’ boom lift”'etc. Show the ‘value’ involved. Don’t put “clean x and y”. Peoples perception of clean is different. Instead put “apply Prosoco HD Restoration Cleaner”, “pressure wash 50 linear feet of storefront to include entire elevation”, etc. Be vague where needed and exact where needed to cover yourself. And check for working water. I don’t lug around giant tanks. I’ll permit a fire hydrant. It’s cheap and works.

GL. Do a good job and people will notice and word gets around.


Such a great response with great info. This forum needs more @Historic and less BS lol


And boom goes the dynamite :firecracker:


By wal–running away and wiping it from my memory.

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@Historic does the restoration cleaner etch concrete, say if there is a sidewalk underneath? If so do you apply degreaser or something first to neutralize when runoff gets on concrete?

Who cleaned the sofits, to the right in the photo?

Yes they can and do etch and or discolor concrete. As long as you saturate the concrete first, runoff won’t cause any issues. While I’m applying chems, I usually have a hose trickling underneath me or someone on the ground to hit any splashes.

If I mess up and get chem on dry concrete and its noticeable, the entire concrete area gets hit with chem. It will camouflage entirely. Often times, it looks cleaner when I’m finished.

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Thank you for this excellent and highly detailed response. This job seems far outside my area of expertise, and I’m going to pass on it.


Sometimes it’s just nicer to take the easier/less risky work. Assuming risk for the windows, sidewalk, traffic control for both street and sidewalk along with permits, etc. is a real pain. I’m trying to simplify and only take resi jobs, and the easy commercial. Too much can go wrong on a job like this, so I’ve started passing on them before I have a major opps.

For those who specialize and enjoy the more detailed/risky work I could see how it would be fun, but I’m just not all that interested anymore.


It’s fun when you get one finished though and can be very profitable if careful and planned right and no major boo-boos. Plus it weeds out the chaff really quick. Don’t have too many $99 guys competing.


True that. I was most enthralled by the potential visibility, washing in the downtown area and whatnot. Thay would be a lot of free advertising. On the flip side, I’ve taken on jobs I wasn’t completely comfortable with before and I was almost always burned by them. Definitely don’t want to open myself up to that. Way too much can go wrong.


It’s hard for a lot of folks to admit that. But, it’s often best. However, one can never grow if he never steps out of his comfort zone. Maybe you can be the next Historic :+1:


Yep totally doable. Not a huge space either. I would definitely do it.

Yeah but you’re like a god at taping and sheeting stuff off. Us plebeians would take a week to do that part alone.

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Again, true! If I had the chance to practice or learn under someone else, I would.

Overland Park, KS

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Practically my neighbor…a couple hours away. Ha


Nice to know I have a guru near by! I’m east side KC MO. Lee’s Summit

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