How to set up my 5 gallon SH bucket?

I just got this ‘5 Gallon Plastic Hedpack with cap’ off Amazon to hold our bleach instead of drawing from the 1 gallon containers it comes in. I’m wondering how to set it up so that we can attach to and draw easily from it and have everything stay put?

Was thinking of some type of 1/4 inch barb that would be set into the top somehow? Then all we would have to do is attach the take-up hose to the barb on the outside and the other section of tube would stay in the container?

I’m sure there’s a better way but haven’t found it yet…

Search. I posted a video on how to do it within rhe last 2 weeks.

I searched all of your posts back to early June but I can’t find it…

It’s in here.

Oops. In here. Building an X jet chemical containment system - #9 by Innocentbystander - Residential - Pressure Washing Resource

Got it. Thanks very much squid and bystander. Appreciate you both taking the time.