How to remove old clear sealer off bluestone and flagstone

older clear sealer is cracking and discoloring how can it be removed without hurting the stone or minor damage? i will add pics tomorrow.




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I’m not sure you want any part of that.

But if you do, you need to charge a premium. Stripping is long, tedious, nasty stuff. Landscaping needs to be covered, and potentially using plastic to protect the house depending on the exterior siding.

Surfkoat’s Nock Off is an option.

they are getting the joints redone and asked about the sealer . it was done when the patio was installed .

Stripping is tough in general, trying to strip off a “flakeable” substrate like flagstone would make me steer clear of that job. Clients tend to forget that they were forewarned upfront about the unknown addtl time and expense and start getting frustrated by day 3. Lol. Even though they have been watching out the corner of the blinds the entire time.
On another note…have you tried to re-emuldify the sealer using xylene. Few videos on youtube showing how to it. Its not a permanent fix, but it works for a while. I hate stripping projects, start off ok but sometimes require too many visits. Whatever you do, make sure to work in sections vs trying to strip or emulsify the entire area at once. Wish you the best.

When was the patio installed?

A lot of those stones need to be replaced. Already flaking. Not sure I’d want to tackle that job. No way to bid it except by the hour and I can guarantee you they wouldn’t like that rate. Agree with @KTPowerWashing on his comments.

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