How to prevent this?

Next time you can get the 12v I switched and never went back so much lighter. Dont get me wrong the 18 has its place but you dont need it

All of my my customers have really been liking the mango scent I have been using

One of these days I’m gonna get this so I can have at least 2 12v tools.
I came from a whole bunch of porter cable crap.
I was kicking myself when I used the circ saw

When I’m doing a roof, I tell the customer to run their irrigation system, if they have one, for an hour before I get there. I still get everything wet and while my guy sprays, I rinse gutters and plants on the side he’s spraying. After everything is rinsed off the roof, I go around and flood everything before I leave. I also tell them they can run irrigation system again for an hour. So far, so good! GL!