How to clean this brick

No on called anyone names. Think about how it would look to a customer if they saw a contractor driving out, taking pics, posting and asking how to wash a 20 minute $100 service call job? This should be a place where contractors ask help on technical issues or oddball jobs. Not a training ground for yellow extension wand wielders. Just my take.

Never said anything other than name calling not being nice.

I used wand

Wow $100, I must be better at negotiating than you are :slight_smile:

You had a lot more time invested Iā€™m sure. Iā€™m ok with my pricing

Maybe 35 minutes.

Youre silly.

1 chimney under his belt, picked up a contract for 84 more at an astronomical price, and now lecturing IB on marketing. They grow up so fast! Seems like just last week he was asking if you could buy a roof cleaning solution at Home Depot. Oh waitā€¦ it was.


Just busting your chops, man. If you picked up 84 of those at that price, thatsā€¦ wellā€¦ amazing. Nice work.

Edit: Whoops, you edited. Iā€™d delete my comment since it contains what you deleted, but this site keeps a record of deletionsā€¦ soā€¦ even if i deleted mine, it would still showā€¦ like yours doesā€¦ soā€¦ :confused:.

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Lol. I screen shot the deletes. A grown man shouldnā€™t say something he is ashamed of others reading. Congrats on the contract.

Lol tireshark. $21k to wash chimneys only. Iā€™ll send you a $50 if heā€™s still here in 3 months. Thatā€™s how long before someone discovers he didnā€™t wash the back side because he doesnā€™t have a ladder.

Thanks for the advice, I hired someone to go do this for me :slight_smile:

See you in three months.