How much roof snot in house mix

I’ve tried Cling On for house washes and it adds about 5-10 extra minutes for rinsing. Now I used it for pre and post treat for driveways…seems to keep it wet longer. I used Elemonator for a few years…now I’m using Arm and Hammer w/ Oxy Clean this year. 4oz per 5 gallon batch of hw mix. I can’t tell any difference compared to Elemonator and it leaves no streaks on windows.


Ordered me a fiver. I’m excited to smell something other then lemon.


Arm and hammer laundry soap?

Yessir. Bleach stable and if I have a gallon or two of hw mix left over it will last for a few days. I’m not trying to sway people away from Elemonator…it’s great surfactant. And you buy it in 5 or 55 gallon quantities…I wish the shipping was better. I just haven’t noticed any difference either way.

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Works fine on roofs too.

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Ive used it on a roof and 2 drive way post treats in a pinch worked just fine. I prefer snotmanade but sometimes ya just run out :joy::joy:. I need to start writing down a list when im getting low like we do with groceries.

I make a list but then forget the list lol

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I have started to take pictures of my notes/lists

:joy::joy::joy: atleast i put everything in markate nice and neat with no missed spelled words at the end of the day.

Btw i understand and know everything i have wrote down on my hand. Im usaully very busy and have to be quick with my phone conversations.


Get a tally book that fits in you back pocket. I used to carry one when i was workin motors so i could make an order list and stuff i saw that needed to be done

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I dont have room for anymore pocket objects.
Right front: huge cellphone
Left front: chew and pocket knife ( Chapstick if needed)
Left back: keys/bolts screws or any other small items needed to be stored temporarily.
Right back: fat wallet full of Benjamin’s

If any of these items are not in my pocket or get switched up i will probably trip and fall.


Are you left handed?

I can barely catch that lemony scent of elininator, i barely use any I tired using more to get suds cause I was jealous f watching vids and seeing/hearing about suds. Butnit just got me some foggy windows in the end. And I did rinse alot. Now Im back to being a greedy miser with it.

Yes the lemon scent is short lived. Hoping that this cherry is as good as everyone says it is. I’m sure the sh will eat it up in a day or so… but :crossed_fingers:

Im right handed but can do everything just as go with my left expect throw. I dont write good with either hand :joy::joy:

I always carry my knife in my front right pocket because I’m righthanded. My left hand is worthless for just about everything

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Carry a leatherman last 35 yrs, don’t leave home without, nylon belt sheath.

I carry a spyderco native 5 salt

What’s that, one of those 'me’llennial gadgets?


Gerber or old timer here. I like changing things up a bit

I have a cheapo SOG that I carry 95% of the time. The other 5% I have a very nice Zero Tolerance that I only carry when going out to a nice dinner or something. It makes a great steak knife and yes I’m that guy. The steakhouse knives are always dull and suck. Besides, I know where my knife has been.

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