How Much Do You Spend on 12% SH vs Total Job Income?

Just wondering if anyone has looked at how much they have spent on 12% SH vs how much work they have invoiced?

For the first 3 months this year our spending on SH has been 5.6% of the income of all our jobs. The percent would probably be slightly higher if I looked at just house washes, but they has been a majority of our pressure washing work.

I’ve never figured it before but we just did a 3 day job that paid $13600 and we used 100 gallons of bleach. That’s $220 so less than .02% fuel is a bigger expense than bleach


Average house wash is $250 and uses about 3 gal of SH at 2.25 gal. So that would be roughly 2.7%

Used 5 gal ($18) today on a $570 job.


Maybe .5% of my total expenses.

I lied.

$570 a month is 25% of my fixed expenses. But I pay $570 a month on $20k or so monthly revenue so I don’t worry too much about the cost of bleach.

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Around 5% here. But bleach is pricier in the northeast. And I like a hot mix.

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