To give he money back before the issue is resolved is ridiculous. I can speak to a customer on the phone and explain to them how I can resolve their problem. If they aren’t satisfied then I can talk refund but to give their money back for services completed is inviting non payment from those few unknown problem customers. Is she one of them, I am not sure of yet. She is not normal… Also the check is cashed because she waited a 13 days to notify me of the issue. I am not a scum bag, she doesn’t know that yet but she has so far per her words been impressed with my customer service.
How did this story end? I know this is an old post but…just curious. I am reading a ton on this site to learn for my pressure washing business. Sometime I get invested in the thread and read it top to bottom, but then no conclusion. Thought I would ask this time.
Most likely, with a new sealcoat…that’s how this story usually ends when we spring a leak in the case we have to be in their driveway…
I was just reading this wondering the outcome as well not to much asphalt driveways here in FL but still a good read just incase
Yes here every single driveway is asphalt. I have seen less than maybe 10 concrete residential driveways in my life. It’s “not a thing” here, with the winters we get.
I agree that the oxydized paint in the runoff caused the stains. In my experience regular housewash mix rinses away without leaving stains on asphalt. Sometimes if it dries without rinsing it may leave marks but it will go away with rinsing or rain.