Hotsy fleet chems?

So a 2 step gun will soap at 1500+psi? I didn’t realize that, but I’m really not interested in lugging around a bunch of hoses. I just want an injector at the pump (down or up, I don’t care) that will apply chems at 1500+psi. To my knowledge a typical downstream injector using a typical soap nozzle will not come close to 1500psi.

If you 2 step, and you upstream the alkaline, how do you apply the acid? Maybe “why don’t you upstream tha acid also” is a better question.

Hummm ok so I soap and rinse ie two steps not three like “Two steppers”. It takes way too long to apply acid, apply soap and then rinse. That’s three steps! You’ll get it 5 percent cleaner with way more cost in chemical and time. It’s not needed in fleet washing. The chemical guys are pushing unnecessary chemicals to line their pockets. And just about every single new guy thinks it’s the way. Acids are not cheap! @Hotshot is doing something entirely different. You just need a good fleet soap and heat. And let me tell you this line washing hundreds of trucks is for a special kind of retard. Trust me I’m very retarded. Way easier ways to make money out there with your pw because all these little tricks you’re trying to figure out will not make it suck any less just like majic.

I haven’t had much success with the few 1 step soaps (2 step process) I have tried. I’m also not looking to store 4 gallons of every soap I can find either. Thanks for the help