Honey colored pump oil

I bought a used belt drive 4/4 last fall to ‘flip’ this spring. I got everything straightened out and did a pump oil change (TS1511) then ran it a few times. Good pressure and GPM verified with my gauge.

I’m probably answering my own question but thought I’d check for sure with you all, the oil is a light honey color, even after changing it twice and letting sit overnight. Using 30wt non-detergent.

Are the seals shot and mixing with water or just getting aerated?

I’m getting qthe same issue with my tsf2221. i think it’s air as the amount of oil didn’t seem to increase, that i know of. I’m also using the non detergent 30w from the mart.

If it was getting water in it the level of the fluid would raise. Run it, it’ll be fine. Change it every half decade or so


You are a real man of integrity! I am not surprised at all by this. Karma will take care of you.

What you talkin bout Willis?

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Looks like air - should be fine - if it were water it would be really milky and the level would change as others have said

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Just saying he’s a good fellow. He’s clearly looking out for whoever buys the machine from him.

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Well I appreciate that, doing my best. I wouldn’t want to buy a garbage machine.

I wish more folks had similar values. I bought a boat once & the seller had jammed a piece of wire in the throttle control to make it ‘functional’. Luckily it fell out in the driveway. It could have created a life threatening situation if it happened on the water at full speed. All so they could screw somebody out of a few bucks,