Honda 10w30 usually runs between $7 to $10 a quart. I just bought 60 qts at this site for $3.49 a qt. Free shipping. Best price I have ever seen.
Any clues on the best place to buy mufflers for Hondas? I can Bing it (see what I did there) if you don’t have a go to. This one looks like it’s done two tours in 'Nam and I’d I’d like to have one on the shelf when it gives up the ghost.
I have never had to replace one but my landa guy keeps them in stock. I’ll see where he gets them. They are good for at least 8 yearsby my experience . I pull them off dead hondas and put on new ones when i replace motors. Doesn’t matter if heat shield falls off. Keep in mind I’m talking about the good mufflers like the one on your machine from Brandon, not the pressure pro crap mufflers
Honda oil is basically repacked Hoggoco oil.
Cooter bought it by the drum
I purchased mufflers and other parts for my Hondas at
Good find
Make sure you get correct one. They are left or right. Either way or bolts up the same. Just different exhaust paths
Thanks! I accidentally hit the flag button instead of the bookmark button but I think I canceled it properly. Just a heads up.
It will just blend in with all the flags from tireshark
What makes the muffler ibs suggested better?
Not sure. I’ve seen them for $150 on eBay. Maybe he liked it because they’re usually around $220 through Honda.
No, i ment compared to the pressure pro ones. Sorry about the confusion
Not sure about that either. I’ll text him.
He’s apparently not a fan of the knock offs. I think he’s just saying buy the Honda now so you don’t have to buy it next year.
I didn’t text him yet, but I found this.
Knock offs, like pressure pro uses, kill about 1 hp due to back pressure, do not have heat shields to dissipate heat faster, are only bolted on thru the 4 exhaust bolts
Welcome back
And now he’s gone again
That was messed up. I haven’t seen you post much of anything except random outbursts in the recent music thread.
Then you post minutes (no exaggeration) after IBS. Stalk much??
This is what he does @OCDmike. Pretends he doesn’t have to be professional in a professional forum because no one knows who he is, where he is, or if he even legitimately has a pressure washing business.
It seems his only goal at this point is to try to keep IBS away.
Agreed - I’ve followed since awesomewash1 (or whatever). He seemed to be doing good for a little while as awsomewash2.
I think it’s time for awsomewash3. BUT, 3 strikes and you’re OUT.
Side Note: I have no authority here whatsoever - I’m very “young” here. The above is just my honest opinion. But we all know what opinions are like…awsomewash. Haha - see what I did there? But no, seriously…