Honda exhaust 90 turn

Does anyone know of something that can be bought locally typically to add a simple 90 degree elbow to a Honda 630 exhaust ?

Auto stores seem to only have bigger than that pipe on it.

Also what clearances do you all like to have around the Honda from anything else like the motor and exhaust?

Copper 90* at Ace hardware, Homedepot or Lowes, stocks thems…

I was looking for a copper 1.25 fitting today (this that’s the size I need) and no one had any near me. Really what you showed is all I need.

Is that 1.25 off the shelf or did you expand a fitting to fit?

No alteration to the copper pipe… I don’t have exact diameters. You’re on the the right track though.

We did use a adapter fitting… but needs to be set by a screw, or else it will rotate cause the vibration.

I found a pipe at Autozone that is a good fit. I drilled a hole and ran a bolt through, works great.