Holiday Safety Guides -- feel free to use

I know that often the hardest thing about blogging – besides making the time – is figuring out what to write about. In my research for a potential article, I stumbled across a couple of resources on holiday decorating safety (and some accident statistics) that I might be easily turned into good blog material – or Facebook posts, or email blasts, etc. – for our readers to use as a way to reach their customers. So I’ve turned them into two articles that you are welcome to copy and paste as is, rewrite, dissect into sections – do with it what you will. I also put the articles in an attractive pdf format as well that you’re welcome to download and use if you prefer that. (If you need them in a different format, email me and I’ll see what I can do.)

One article is on ladder safety and holiday related accidents, and includes why it’s best to hire someone to hang your holiday decorations. You can find it here: Holiday Lighting Safety Guide for Your Customers | eClean Magazine

The other is more general about holiday decorating safety, and can be found here: Holiday Safety Guide for Your Customers | eClean Magazine