High Pressure Washer Hose

I recently purchased a 4400 psi 4 gpm Simpson by accident. I was meaning to buy a 4200 psi with 4 gpm. The high pressure hose I bought is rated 4200 psi and I want to know if my pressure washer will break if I use it with the 4200 psi hose. I bought the pressure washer on Amazon and didn’t catch that it wasn’t the correct machine until it was mailed to me. It’s non returnable.

Pressure washer won’t break but the hose should last about a year, give or take.

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Thank you very much for that reply I’ve been searching everywhere for an answer. I also purchased 2 hose reels that are rated 4000 psi but I have a 4400 psi machine. Would it be best to return those?

I kind of jumped the gun on buying my equipment. I had been looking everywhere for information on how to wash different surfaces and how to downstream, mix chems etc. Once I thought I had enough info I bought all the equipment worried that I might never get started if I didn’t in that moment. I made some mistakes in the process with my Amazon cart but I don’t think there’s anything major to worry about. I’m going to start as soon as I receive all my equipment. I’m based out of Houston, Texas in the Channelview and am open to any advice or mentorship. Thanks again!

Ok look, you just have to back off your unloader to reduce line pressure. You don’t generally need more than 3000 anyway.

You have (I assume) a direct drive machine. Use it for a while, save your money, sell it and get a belt drive so you can use a buffer tank. Just remember you can’t stay off the trigger longer than a minute or the pump will overheat.

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I’m with brock on lowering the pressure from the unloader. I have a very similar pressure washer but mines dewalt, I’ve had it about 2 years and is running decently, going to upgrade to a 5gpm.

You should get by with your equipment for about 2 years, also you have a surface cleaner?

Get decent enough equipment to start then good luck being a business owner lol

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Why are we telling people to adjust pressure with unloader adjustments? Pressure is regulated with the nozzles. I highly doubt any chinese triplex simpson is putting out so much pressure its going to blow the hoses prematurely, unless hes using the spray tips that came with the machine and even then its a toy pump. Use good hose and proper nozzle selection. Good luck

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Absolutely true. However setting the unloader for 4000psi puts undue stress on hoses and equipment when you’re off the trigger. I mean do what you want but it’s not necessary.