Looks like limestone I imagine the green is coming from statue on top
Cooper light is where the green is coming from,Just like Anthony said …
@Firefighter4hire @Hotshot roger that. It’s a a copper fixture. Now that I know what the stone is I need to see if F9 is compatible with lime stone. It melts copper oxidation right off of stucco but not sure about the lime stone. Another company is polishing the copper.
Sounds like a few applications of 4-6% is what’s called for for the lime stone. I know that marble reacts badly with sh. Are there any others to watch out for?
I would definitely bag and tape the copper.
Or do an upsell on that copper and HF the snot outta it and make it shine like Lincoln intended on a penny. It’s like Brasso on crack. It will also clean all of that hot mess on the limestone.
Would he just let it dry afterwards, or neutralize with something?
Yes ,on the final pass of HF I’d definitely hit it with a high PH soap to neutralize the HF, then let dry .@redjess
They already have a contractor to take care of the copper. But good suggestion
@Historic is good with this stuff. Maybe he can chime in.
Harold has Cast Stone. Essentially limestone. I would test a spot with Vanatrol. If nothing, Prosoco has a special copper stain remover that is a paste that draws the copper stains out of the stone. It gets smeared on, then a plastic film is applied to slow the drying process as much as possible. Then, scrape the paste off and/or spray off the paste that has absorbed the copper stain.
PMG - it honestly looks like just straight up concrete. SH should be good to go.