Help from roof washers

Funny story about that trailer lol. I shouldn’t be pulling it around. I have a special order tank coming that fits under my skid. So trailer won’t be in the way. Funny part is the tank was purchased 3 months ago and I’ve yet to lay eyes on it.

I have a lot of ladders - They’re all aluminum. The 20 ft alum gets the most use but the 28’ is necessary and will work on most 2 story houses unless a tall foundation.

The 28’ with the stabilizer on it kicks my tail when by myself, especially when pretty extended. I rarely every have to worry about electrical lines, just don’t get close to them. With stabilizers don’t worry about ladder sliding. Plus vast majority of homes I do have power run in from the ground, not that many have overhead lines anymore around here.


I only want to carry one. I think an aluminum 28 will be the buy with a stabilizer foot. This is why I love this forum. I was dead set on a 24 fiberglass. But I do see both sides.

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Don’t get the stabilizer foot just get the standoff. I use the corner buddy on all of mine. Gets you up and away from edge of roof.

This is a good px on it -|THD|G|0|G-BASE-PLA-AllProducts|&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwoLLgpX12gIVhrXACh3f-gb3EAQYAyABEgKTz_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CMTx0a-V9doCFY4bAQodwiAG3g


I was going to use a top stabilization bar as well. I was just going to have the foot one for uneaten ground.

Levelizer on amazon. Better than the foot.

I know this is and older post, but wanted to chime in. A potential customer would have to be an absolute idiot to not ask for a certificate of insurance prior to company or individual doing a service on their house, and roof especially (most don’t, so take that for what it is worth). Too many things could go wrong, and I for one have no intention to pay for some guys medical bills for the next 20 years because he fell off my roof. I wouldn’t consider someone asking for proof of insurance as a red flag.

What is this tool for gutter cleaning?

Leaf blower