Hello fellow professionals

Several other colleagues who I have much respect for brought this new organization and industry forum to my attention. Haven’t had a chance to view the site or forum yet. High hopes that this organization and forum will set itself ahead of the majority of other related forums and org’s already in existence, and keep the negativity and non productive types from infiltrating.

Welcome [MENTION=6973]Grime_Busters[/MENTION]!

This forum and association aren’t involved in politics or drama.
Just business, profit, and having fun while growing it all.

Excellent Thad !!! Although I left all the bbs’ for a couple years due to the drama, power trips and childishness, I have always missed the professional networking with true, like minded professionals and the occasional newcomer who wants to learn and be another industry leader.

“If you’re not having fun, you only have yourself to blame”. Grime Busters team consists of career technicians. We focus on the team concept, since each restoration project’s successful outcome is a team effort, from management, sales, technicians and our mechanic. Just as important to my wife and I is that we all get along like family, and have fun each and every project. We work hard and play even harder.

I look forward to the future of the PWRA.

Glad you found your way over here.

Good to see you here Jim.

Hey Jim,

I’m looking forward to your post!