Have you heard of Top Gun pressure washers

Hi, I’ve been reading as much as I can for a few weeks before I get into this business. I’m already getting my feet wet with window washing and would like to start getting into cleaning driveways, then house washing and roof cleaning as I learn more.

I’ve come across a pressure washer that appears like it could be a good deal for me, but I haven’t seen much about this brand.

Here is the model specs.

It comes with a GP 20in SC, DS injector, 100ft of hose, and a turbo nozzle for the $1900. I’m fairly weary of this machine because I can’t find much of anything online about the brand, but it is being sold at my local shop right down the road from me and they will do any warranty work. Since it has a comet pump I assume from reading on this forum that it will need warranty work done on it. If the pump goes out after warranty I’ve read that replacing it with a udor gear drive on this engine works well and also pulls water out of the buffer which the direct drive won’t. If you gurus think the machine is OK to buy I will most likely get a 65gal buffer tank and set it up how I’ve seen it suggested on here. I do live in an area that has a pretty solid 8gpm coming out of our homes. I also talked to the mechanic at the store and he claims that he has run 5.5gal PWs for 20 years in the area and has never had a problem with running low on water in the area.

I’d also like to mention that I am a stay at home dad with a baby and toddler and disabled vet so I’m not likely to be doing this full time, but I want to get as much work as my body and schedule allows. I’m not trying to toot my own horn about the diabled vet thing, but just that I have income from that and my wife works too. Her job is pretty shaky right now and in this economy I want to take care of my family as much as I can. I plan on getting my business license and insurance set up in a month or two.

Any advice would be appreciated if I should buy it or move on.

If you’re trying to start a business with this machine, then I’d look at belt drive or gear drive units. The one in the picture appears to be direct drive.

Get a belt drive 5.5/2500 and learn to wash houses. Lots of money to be made there. The GX390 can’t do 5.5 and 3000psi, closer to 2300.

You don’t need a 65 gallon buffer for anything under 8gpm. 30 gallon is plenty.

Funny thing about all these vendors such as ‘Top Gun’, Pressure Pro etc, none of the parts are in-house pieces. Engine, pump, injector, unloader etc are all name brand, they just slap them together and put a sticker on the cart.

But but its on clearance !

I thought it said clearance as well but I believe it’s with surface cleaner. Either way it’s definitely not worth the price. For the price I’d buy this

Get yourself a good surface cleaner I like whisper wash. You’ll be happy you bought something more professional.

Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it! I’ll get back to looking for a different PW and reading as much as I can.

Yeah man get ya some decent equipment, don’t waste your hard earned money on that crap. Gx390,4gpm or better, belt drive, gear drive so you can pull water outta your future buffer tank. CAT,GP,LEGACY, UDOR pumps are what most on here use on a daily. good luck.

Wait, what…there are other pumps besides Udor :confused: you sure!?