Hard Water or Mineral Stains?

Hi Everyone,

Long time lurker. I was basically able to build my pressure washing business between this forum and YouTube. For the past few years, everything has gone pretty smoothly.

I took this job because it had potential to be a yearly client, knowing the dark paint could be rough. I gave her an estimate over the phone. The house had a decent amount of dust on it. I’m in Missouri and we had a bunch of dust blow in from Oklahoma a few months ago.

I hit it with a house wash mix via downstream injector. When I got done there were these spots on most of the house. It’s not visible from a few feet away but it is when you get close.

Anyone seen this before?

The paint is a Sherwin Williams Acrylic Latex.
Could these be hard water spots?
Is it possible that my house wash mix had been sitting to long, degraded, and caused this?
When you wipe it off with a rag it takes a bit of elbow grease to get it off, its not like wiping off dust.
My next thought was oxalic acid. Thoughts?

Any ideas would be super helpful!

Darker colors can show and leave mineral deposits when dried….depending on how hard your water is in the area you’re in. You can look it up here on the forum……if that is what it is. Looks like it to me…did it look like that before you started?

It didn’t look like this prior. I did research but I couldn’t find anything for removing mineral stains on painted wood. Just want to get some opinions on what it could be before I spot tested some oxalic on it.

Light acid will remove water spots but you would need to rinse with low tds water so not to have it happen again. In my terms and conditions I warn that windows and dark colors could spot depending on their water source or condition (tds). I can’t control water quality coming out of the tap….I just educate them on the possibilities….so it’s up to them if they want to proceed. Get a couple every year……

Diluted vinegar most likely take those spots off…I use vinegar on light spotting on windows…

Down stream a spot free rinse additive for dishwashing. Search posts for spots on windows.

On boats I use 50/50 water and vinegar for spots.

Thank you so much for the advice. I definitely will be adding that to my terms, and pre-job expectation speech.

Something like a rinse-aid? Down stream it alone? Awesome. Thank you so much.

Try a small area first like always then yes try a rinse aid. You will want to dilute it also. I think ebc glide is what window washers use to help reduce spots? @dcbrock may help on name if I got it wrong

Dark colored homes can be a PITA, specially washing it during the hot summer months. Water dries quick and the water is harder

We run water filters that help us soften the water during a house wash…

Sorry I couldn’t say, all I use is Dawn and pure talent.


What kind of setup/filters do you use? Got some pretty bad spotting on a dark brown house a couple weeks ago and looking for a solution because almost every house in my area has hard water.

Most of the older houses are light colours, but seems like every new house going up is either black or dark blue/green/brown.

No glass gleam 4?

I may have tried something like that a long time ago but stuck with Dawn as I can see what is on the glass with the soapy water.

I wouldn’t mind a product to make it slip better though.

That’s true, gg4 doesn’t produce much suds….I’m use to it though now.

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I’m looking into that now actually. What do you use? RO? DI?