Happy Thanksgiving my PWR peeps!

…at least be nice to the convienence store clerk as they ring up your lunch.

Really? You find that offensive?

By all gods man. Things must be farrr more politically correct in your neck of the woods. I’m trying to think of a gas station within 20 miles of me that has a man working the food counter… and not a one does. Unless the owner steps in while the ladies are on a break.

Everyone be nice. I was probably too harsh in my comment and jet was just joking. Anyone that knows Tim would know he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body anyway


Yeah, it’s not political correctness - it’s equality. Completely different.

And no, I don’t find it offensive at all, just a touch sexist and a bit backwards. It was just a tongue in cheek comment anyway.

You guys are way behind a lot of the world when it comes to equality though - with equal pay, positions of authority etc. so fair point.

I’ll just say (as you can’t see it) the reason it’s sexist is that he implied it would be a female serving in all the convenience stores you may go to.

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So glad you could lift me from my backwards ways…

Equality of opportunity is here, equality of outcome isn’t something that can be forced.

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I cant see inequality anywhere. All insee is opportunity for people to get off the couch and start moving towards a goal rather than wait for handouts


Nothing so foolish as the man who considers himself wise. My best to you Sir.

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Please stop guys.

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I’m done.

You misspelled “ All American” :kissing_heart:

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Um, did he get banned? It’s saying “Anon” now instead of who the original poster is.

Dunno. I’m watching the magic unfold also

I hired a chick to polish aluminium, Mrs Turner, Shes a grump and quiet. She is also diagnosed with Autism and ADD ,Best damn aluminum polisher I’ve seen yet.

She ask me how the first 1 looked. I said, its alright for a girl, She said, go pound sand,And did the other 9 rims in record time. I gave her a pair of safety AM/FM bluetooth headphones and welders gloves for Thanksgiving and left her be. Damn good polisher…Cool lady.
Y’all just got your wires crossed is all, and will figure that out when the dust settles fellas.
Cheers and eat some leftovers to let the tryptophan settle in.

I think he just logged out. There was no reason for him to be banned. Everyone chill out a little bit.

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Can somebody tell me what happened to the post and who did it?

So how do you go about that on the scale you do? I’ve done my own rims and it took half the afternoon!

Took her 10 minutes per rim with two 6000 rpm angle grinders with 2 different 10" buffing pads on each and 2 different bars of rouge, And I came along after her and sealed them with my own red neck concoction. Total time ,13 minutes per rim.
Repetition is the key bubby.


Shiny! Top notch attention to detail!

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Tanks man, We try.

How was the Tim Hortons?

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