Gx690 shorting fuel solenoid

Gx690, keeps shorting fuel solenoids. unless Im getting bad ones. Ill verify prior to installing on my next 2 coming in.
Would accidently swapping negative and positive terminals cause this(previously)? would that have caused someyjing else to happen thats causing the short. when I say “short” Im meaning the solenoid doesnt activate even when bench tested, just dead. using a test light

Are they factory Honda?

they were. the other 2 coming I’m going to try are amazon vendor with good reviews.

update: it seems as if there’s a coating oh at least 1 solenoid which isn’t allowing it to get good ground thus not energizing.


still it didn’t click real hard or it’s weak. and engine still not starting. plus i even tested straight from battery voltage. it the tip energizes i supposed in a weak manner. Im goibg to have to remove carb and ckean that orifice out to make sure needle ts able to move freely.

also, looks like I’m not getting power to the solenoid, BUT!, there is power before the fuse and just after. would need to unravel the little harness to see what’s up. the manual just recommends a new harness.