Growing pains

Sooo now that we have been up and running for few weeks now, starting to have growing questions. Few of many I am sure! But first question is about hose reels and the hoses. I feel there has to be a better way to wind up these hoses and maybe I am missing something, when I get to the connection between two hoses I have quick connects on them and it makes a huge mess trying to get them on the reel keeps them from getting the nasty old crimps in them at the fittings and also just plain looks like crap! I have tried when I get to it I try and lay it horizontal with the reel and then continues over that. Is that a good practice? Sure is a pain

That’s just gonna happen when you have multiple sections on one reel. I did this last year, managed to have the connection at the edge of the reel flange so it wouldn’t mess with the rest of the lay down. I said the heck with it and went back to 200’ continuous.

BTW get rid of those brass quick connects and roll that hose up neater.


Use a rag or something on your hand as a buffer to the friction while winding up

and yes, getting to the edge and laying that connection across the reel is the best solution…what you have in that pic will result in it blowing out within 6" of the QC way faster than it should. No one wants a knee-capper at an unexpected time…

We use 45 elbows coming off the reel and between the quick connects. Seems to work pretty well and lay a lot flatter. Rarely have hoses that pop near the connections after switching to elbows.

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Get rid of those quick connections, Use a coupler…