Google Profile Disabled

@Timmay Thank you for this great information! Hopefully this will help anyone else who comes across this issue, thank you so much!!

@Jevin1 Your very welcome. Google is mfer to wrap your head around but so important to business that you cant wing it. Your doing great by being vigilant, its more than most of my customers do. Feel free to dm me with any questions related to virtually anything Google.

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This is most likely because someone(possible another cleaner in the area) reported your listing. Sometimes bs like this slips through Googles cracks. Its very common, don’t be surprised when it happens again. In the end Google figures it out…its just on their time.

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I noticed a drop off in calls from new leads a few weeks ago. After some digging I realized my GMB listing had randomly relocated my service area 3 states away, even though the address was still accurate. What’s crazy is it showed the actual address as the ‘previous location’ & the ‘new location’ had like 3 pictures of a driveway someone had added. I moved the pin back to where it should be & boom. Suspended. First appeal was rejected right away. Second appeal, I sent an enormous amount of solid evidence to unequivocally prove I owned the business & verify the location. Just got another rejection email. I know very little about this nonsense but it appears to have been downright effortless for someone to hijack my listing & relocate it without me even receiving an email about it. Not sure if this one can be resolved or not due to the fact it got tangled up like that but I would love to hear any feedback the fine folks around here may have… @Timmay you still around here?

@TheWizard There could be afew reason. Google has a history of randomly moving business address’s particularly after a big Google update.

It could have also been someone who suggested an edit.

As to why its now suspended, that protocal when a address is updated unless its a update suggest an edit.

Are you claiming your home as a storefront? Aka is your home address on your listing? If thats the case you cannot do that and will be rejected everytime. We dont want people showing up at a random house to pay a bill. You have to claim your listing as a service area business and hide your address. If you know of other washers listing their house your gonna wanna report them as its an unfair advantage.

Pictures can be uploaded by customers btw.

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I appreciate the response sir! I hid the address today after reading their guidelines. It would be great to have a pin on the map (I used to have one down the street) but just access to years worth of reviews & showing up on search results would be better than nothing. I’m pretty convinced the listing was hijacked, possibly on accident by a new company startup with the same business name. Thanks for the insight!

@Timmay got any advice for me? I just registered my business today with the state. Got my LLC, EIN, articles of incorporation, website, etc. Went to register the google business and instantly got my account suspended for violating policy. I appealed and put my LLC good standing and EIN registration in the attachments section. Explained I own the business and the address.
I don’t use any signs but sounds like I might need some magnets for my truck and some business cards in case they ask for that? Such a headache lol thanks for any help!

There could be a local power washer spam fighting and he reported you.
Could be a customer update.
Could be Google.

Is your address hidden?
It needs to be without signage out front. More than magnets they are gonna want permanant signage in the yard

Google is not helpful at resolving and it takes weeks sometimes. But it will eventually be fixed.

Thanks for getting back to me!

I only put an address down when it said the address won’t be published. And I said it was not a storefront. It’s just my house address where I live.

I’ve stopped fighting with Google for now. I’ve realized that I need to really get it together in a way that I can display to whichever kooky, idiotic lunatic I get stuck with at “The gOoGlE”. @Timmay would know, but my understanding is that the appeal is limited to 26MB total, so everything needs to go into a zip file. They may want to do a video call for 1 or more reasons, like a trip around your vehicle and/or shop and/or office. Whatever crap and nonsense those lazy, overpaid weirdoes come up with…you’re obligated to oblige.

From what I can gather, there’s no reason to deal with GoOgLe until you are fully willing, ready and able to prove beyond the shadow of any doubt that you are, in fact, a 100% fully legal, operating business to the satisfaction of whichever freak you get stuck with. Think about how much they get paid to be completely UNhelpful while just sending out “rEaD tHe CoMmUnItY gUiDeLiNes” responses all day. That’s what you’re dealing with. Good luck. Plenty of people are doing just fine - without gOoGlEtard.

My 2₵

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I’ll fight google lol I’ve got some extended family and all 3 of them own there own business. When I asked if they ever had trouble getting their business on google they all started laughing and then explaining the nightmares.

I think I’ve got my address hidden, just a service provider without a storefront.

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