Good pressure / soft wash / roof cleaning training for newbies

It’s these damn keyboards and cellphones i tell ya. It’s often interpreted differently lol.

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Tell me more…

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Logically speaking, if you don’t know much about the industry how would you determine that the course is quite good? If you mean it is entertaining to you or easy to hear or that it has good visuals, I would give you all that. If you are comparing this forum to that class, well, I think you are sadly mistaken.

One guys .02 and worth everything you paid for it. Oh, I used to design training curriculum, so I know a thing or two regarding training. I’ve been to several conferences and even went and paid for a class once. I can honestly tell you that I learned more here. In the last conference I attended I learned more from comparing notes with other contractors than I did from their session.

I’m not sticking up for muscle my hustle, he is a big boy and doesn’t need me to defend him. I also have nothing against JAtkinson, but I don’t thing he has seen the multiple scam artists that have come through here spamming their crap or pumping their marketing or websites. I haven’t been on here that long and don’t know all that much, but I do have a keyboard and internet access.


Scams are everywhere, and in everything…know how to spot 'em (like above). I think one of the things that can be learned here though, is what investments are valuable, and which aren’t. Some training may actually have value…does the value match the price, another subject for discussion, lol.

I better not. @Innocentbystander already called me a heinous adjective and god knows what’s brewing in @JAtkinson head lol, I would however discount him $15 for putting up with me.

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truer words were never spoken… every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time :thinking:

Is that Dumas?

Ah nope it’s Genesis I think. I think Dumas quoted it in the Count of Monte Cristo

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That’s deep, like really deep lol.

Tell us a story Texan.

I’d love to but my stories definitely aren’t “forum friendly” and I think I’m down to my 9th life here…

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My goodness, we’re losing talent around here.