Garage Door

Cleaning a house with this garage door that I don’t want to spray, but this door is going to stick out like a sore thumb. I want to set expectations and tell them it needs painted, and if that is true should I hit it with hw mix anyway? I’m honestly terrified of messing things up but this doesn’t seem like something I can make much worse. I should post pictures of all the damage I’ve collected in just the last week that fuel my paranoia. (Not from jobs I’ve done)

Why do not want to wash it anyways? Do you normally not clean garage doors when washing a house? Not sure what you could possibly mess up on a garage door like this

I’d just wash as normal….if you are worried, just do a test spot then proceed. That needs to be repainted with it rusting like it is….

I agree with the others. I always take before and after pictures. #1 for liability purposes, and #2 to be able to show my work. What I would do is point it out and set expectations, take before and after pictures, wash it just like anything else, collect check and sleep well.

If you’re using standard house wash mix, than I have no idea what harm you could cause.

Thanks for the reassurance! I was worried that spraying might make the gaps look worse or cause streaks down the door, but you’ve given me the confidence to go ahead with it. I’m still overly cautious and overthinking everything, but this really helps.

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This is the least of your worries. If you REALLY want to sweat over something, be sure to bag and tape electrical outlets on a house. I’ve fried two so far thinking they were already protected with those stupid ‘weatherproof’ covers.